AMERICA, Love it or Get Out

On Thursday 3 January 2019, the 116th Congress convened, and San Francisco’s Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives once again.  What is her first target?  It appears to be an attack against our guarantee to Freedom of Speech as guaranteed under the 1st Amendment to our Constitution of the United States.
Look up HR 1 for 2019, in the 116 Congress of the United States, what you might see (unless the bill has already been drafted since the writing of this BLOG) is that HR 1 2019 is Reserved for the Speaker.  Representative Sarbanes Democrat from Maryland and Representative Pelosi Democrat from California.  Introduced 3 January 2019.
The idea that someone in our government would alter our right to free speech enrages me.  Once a guaranteed right is taken away, we might not get that right back without a revolution.
The full text of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
For our purposes the 1st Amendment (also known as the Establishment Clause; and the Free Exercise Clause), guarantees Free Speech.  Congress shall make no law ~ abridging the freedom of speech ~.
I have two ideas that I think if we can just get our minds around these two ideas, I believe we could go a long way toward fixing what is broke in America.  These ideas are:
1.      Politically Correctness, and
2.      Liberal Tolerance.
Political Correctness is the act of conforming to a belief that offensive language and practices should be eliminated.  If I can only get you to talk like me, you will soon begin to think like me.  I can then control your actions.  Ever hear of the Illuminati?  This is a not just some conspiracy theory.  If you look at the goals of the Illuminati you will find their number 4 goal is the establishment of thought-control techniques with the goal of creating human robots who respond to external impulses and direction.  It seems to me that is exactly what our America is forcing us into with the idea that we all must be politically correct.
What about Liberal Tolerance.  It does not matter what race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation a person is, as long as you never disagree with the left, and as long as your religion is not Christianity.  With no fear of GOD, are you willing to walk right into a society wherein, we can never disagree?  That sounds to me like the number four goal of the Illuminati.
How about Conservative Tolerance?  There is no such thing.  Look at any lexicon, you will never find a definition for Conservative tolerance.  The closest you will get to a Conservative Tolerance will likely be a Notion of Conservative Tolerance.
What shall we do?  Do away with Political Correctness and forget about Liberal Tolerance.  Sounds easy but with what will fill the void of being Politically Correct and Liberal Tolerant?
Go back to the values you were taught by your parents with reinforcement from your grandparents.  What about the golden rule?  Try this little test.  Pick someone under age 30 or 35, ask them what the golden rule is.  I bet more times than not they will have no idea what the golden rule is.  Make certain you know what the golden rule is before you conduct your test; the Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as one's self would wish to be treated.  The golden rule is a maxim that is found in many religions and cultures.  The Golden Rule is considered an ethic of reciprocity in some religions, although other religions treat it differently.
Want to go a step further?  Attempt to restore the Christian values, they are:
1.      Faith; a belief in the right thing(s) (including the virtues!).
2.      Hope; taking a positive future view, that good will prevail.
3.      Charity; concern for, and actively helping others.
4.      Fortitude; never giving up.
5.      Justice; being fair and equitable with others. 
6.      Prudence; care of and moderation with money.
7.      Temperance; moderation of needed things and abstinence from things which are not needed.
When I joined the United States Marine Corps so many years ago, we were taught to have moral courage.  Moral Courage is simply doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do.
Add to these the Theological virtues of Love, Hope, and Faith as defined by St Peter and the four Cardinal virtues prudence, temperance, courage, and justice.  If you find objection with that, perhaps you do not really belong in America.  This is our America, founded on Christian virtues and values.  We migrated here with the intent to form a new world America with Christian virtues and values.  If our values are not good enough for you then perhaps you need to find a new frontier wherein you can find your niche.  Do not try to ruin our world as we know it.  Find your place on earth or assimilate into our culture.  That is how immigration works.  Assimilate into the culture; make it yours and do not try to fix what is not broke.  You zealots need to find a place that will accept you and get there!  Instead of destroying a capitalist and Christian society, find your socialistic or Muslim perfect world and go there.
If you have outgrown our Christian country based upon Christian rules and choose to give up Christian beliefs, then perhaps America is not for you.  MOVE; we will not miss you and take all of your illegals with you!  We will not move, this is our America and you cannot change that!
