George Soros

George Soros gives a human face to evil.  In a 60 minutes interview (here is the link first Soros admits to collaborating with the Nazis at the age of fourteen, he went on to say this helped to define the person George Soros would become.  Then Soros tried to justify his behavior as a Nazi sympathizer by saying if he had not done it, someone else would have.   
Soros owns the Open Society foundation – the Open Society Foundation spends billions of dollars annually to support leftist, socialists, and communist interests.  Soros funded the Baltimore riot of 28 April thru 5 May 2015.  More than 200 businesses and 15 buildings were damaged.  At least 144 cars were set on fire.  There was at least one death associated with the riot for which several Baltimore Police Officers received the blame; charges were eventually dropped for all police officers but that did not clear the Baltimore Police in the eyes of Baltimore citizens and it cost the government of Baltimore millions to settle the trials, attorney costs, investigations, and all other elements of the trials..  Baltimore later settled a lawsuit for the one death to the tune of approximately $6.4 million.
Soros also owns Liberty Media and about 590 plus businesses worldwide.  For example, he owns John Deere, Disney, Under Armour; you get the point.  For every John Deere tractor, parts, or equipment bought or sold, Soros gets paid!  For every Disney anything bought or sold, Soros gets paid!  For every Under Armour garment bought or sold, Soros gets paid.
Soros’ own homeland of Hungary has thrown Soros out of the country as a persona non grada for all the evil Soros intends to continue in Hungary.  Soros and the Open Society want to push our America into a socialistic society and get rid of all forms of democracy.  Share the wealth kind of deal.  Feed the poor in third world nations, no charity at home – make everyone happy, healthy, and fat off your money and mine.
Soros paid for the women’s movement of Washington DC which gained world wide support.  The woman’s movement has been in the works since November 9th 2016; was attended by many of your Hollywood Celebrity favorites; partners with Planned Parenthood, Amnesty International, and the NARAL Pro Choice America.  The woman’s movement has raised well over $1M. They also have released a platform which advocates equal rights guaranteed in the constitution, that means no more will someone get promoted or paid based upon their qualifications, they will be promoted and paid based upon a theory that if you stand in line long enough you will one day get to the front.  Their platform stands to fight against all conservative agendas such as health care services, abortion, and birth control.  Absolutely anyone is qualified for any of these services regardless of income.
Soros helped fund the Ferguson Missouri riot which resulted in losses similar to those losses at the Baltimore riot.  Soros supports hate groups like the New Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Not long after President Trump was sworn in as our 45th President of the United States, George Soros admitted that Obama was one of his greatest disappointments.  Though, look at a new Soros project; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Begin your quest on enlightenment of George Soros and discover for yourself that George Soros does not stand for anything that might help to Make America Great Again.  Fact Check all you want; I encourage that – but – be careful of your Fact Check sources because these days, it is difficult to know who the enemy is.
