How Many More Americans Must Die

In loving and Fond memory of:
·         Paige Gomer
·         Deputy Ryan Thompson
·         Bambi Larson
·         Jamar Rashan Beach
·         Logan Gage Wilson (husband of below)
·         Jessica Lynn Wilson (wife of above)
·         Jerry David (husband of below)
·         Sherry David (wife of above)
·         Sophia Renken
·         Connie Koontz
·         Deputy Josie Greathouse Fox
·         Pierce Corcoran
·         Officer Ronil Singh
·         Molly Tibbetts
·         Kate Steinle
·         Shayley Estes
·         Clinton Howell
·         Rocky P. Jones
·         Robert Page
·         Sabrina Starr
·         Steven R. Marker
·         Aron Hampton
·         Neidy Roche
·         Ann Farrin
·         Justin James Dennis Lee
·         et al;  All killed by illegals!

   GOD Rest their souls

How many more American Citizens will fall prey to a crime committed by illegal aliens for the remainder of this year and years to come at the hands of an illegal whose actions are sanctioned and condoned by the liberal left socialists democratic party of America?
In the past two years, ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes, and 4,000 violent killings.  Over the years, thousands of Americans have been brutally killed by those who illegally entered our country and thousands of more lives will be lost if we don’t act right now.[1]  I will grant you that the majority of illegals America focuses on are those from our south.  That is only a part of the problem.  We have a plethora of multiplicities of groups that come to America legally then overstay a visa which makes them too illegal!
According to ICE data, over the past two years, there were nearly 4,000 arrests made for people charged and convicted of homicide among immigrants released into ICE custody for deportation.
Kate Steinle and her father were out for a walk on Thursday, July 2nd, 2015 on San Francisco’s (CA) Pier 14.  Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez appeared on San Francisco’s Pier 14 at the same time Kate and her father were on Pier 14.  Without provocation Lopez-Snachez approached the Steinles from behind without remorse and shot Kate in the back; the shot resulted in Kate’s death.

Igor Zubko, 27, admitted to having killed Shayley Estes, his ex-girlfriend, in July 2015. She was 22 at the time.

New York Assembly Democrats on Tuesday blocked a bill that proposed expanding college tuition aid for children of deceased and disabled military veterans after-- having a week earlier-- approved a state budget that set aside $27 million in college tuition aid for illegal immigrants.
New York’s Higher Education Committee voted 15 to 11 on Tuesday to shelve the bill, effectively quashing its chances of going to the floor.
The decision came after committee chair Deborah Glick, D-Manhattan, and Speaker Carl Heastie said $27 million from the state’s budget would go towards supporting the Jose Peralta New York State DREAM Act, which allows illegal immigrants to qualify for state aid for higher education, Newsweek reported.
It has been nearly 18 years since September 11, 2001.  The Left - the Socialists - the so called Never Trump(ers), all continue to oppose common sense measures to protect the U.S. borders (both North and South) to allow the conduct of aggressive interior immigration enforcement.  We do not need more laws, we just need to be able to enforce existing immigration laws.  Our police departments and government agencies tasked with immigration control can no longer be hampered with interference of sanctuary communities who choose to allow illegals into the country via their port(s).
Article VI of the Constitution of the United States of America states in part that:
This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
You really do not need a degree from Harvard to interpret and understand the Constitution of the United States it is written to forbid local and state ordinances to be written to supersede Constitutional law!  So, one might ask oneself if federal laws are written to provide a legal and vetted way for aliens to enter legally into the United States, and Sanctuary locales provide local ordinances that allow aliens to circumvent the federal government, then both the alien(s) is illegal and the person(s) that aided and abetted the alien(s) is a criminal and guilty of breaking constitutional law and that person(s) needs to be arrested and properly dealt with.  President Trump’s agenda supports immigration law enforcement.  Mr. Trump clearly said that illegal alien criminals will be deported if he was elected, Mr. Trump was elected and illegals have been deported; much to the noise of our Democrat, socialists, leftist and cry bullies that refuse to accept any opinion of what is right to do, other than to follow the mindless elite of Washington DC, eg. Pelosi, Schumer and AOC, etc.
Although we have not really talked about costs associated with illegals living in America,  I previously wrote in my book Don’t Let ‘em Win that illegals (in the form of refugee status and political asylum status) cost taxpayers approximately $64,370/person for the first five years or approximately $257,481 per family of four for the first five years, 
You might want to know why that cost figure is so high!  Pretty simple really.  For one, you have just introduced a person into this country that either does not speak our language or they speak some other language as a first language and American English is no better than a second language.  Other reasons include:
1.       they receive preferred status often moving them to the front of the line in immigrant status,
2.       misclassification as a refugee or asylum seeker often reclassifies an illegal giving a priority status for quicker resolution of immigrant status,
3.       misclassification as a refugee or asylum seeker renders the illegal immigrant eligible for emergency funds which come directly out of the taxpayer’s pocket, and
4.       misclassification as a refugee or asylum seeker extends these benefits to family abroad and virtually insures more illegals will follow and receive all of the refugee treatment.

Take just a few minutes to grieve the loss of American Citizens at the hands of illegals.

Ramon Hector Martine Ontiveros, 33, an illegal alien from Mexico was charged with first degree murder of Paige Gomer, 28, of Hinton Oklahoma.  Gomer was shot and killed on 21 March 2019.

Juan Manuel Flores Del Toro, 29, an illegal Mexican murdered Deputy Ryan Thompson, 42, on March 29th 2019 during a traffic stop shootout in Kittitas, Washington.

Christian Baherna Rivera, 24, has been arrested for the brutal murder of Iowa native Mollie Tibbitts, 20.  Authorities have determined that Rivera, a Mexican national, is in the United States illegally and working illegally in the United States for many years.  Investigators believe Tibbitts was abducted during a run on 18th July 2018, Tibbitts never returned home after her run.

One of the most perilous threats against our country is a mixture of an overabundance of illegals being allowed to stay in America and siphon benefits that are supposed to be assigned to needy Americans.  And the support given through liberal tolerance that allows a sanctuary environment wherein that illegal is protected from those duly sworn to protect and serve our citizens but instead find their efforts thwarted by their sanctuary unconstitutional laws that protect illegals over American citizens.

