Joanne Chesimard is wanted for escaping from prison in Clinton, New Jersey, while serving a life sentence for murder.  On May 2, 1973, Chesimard, who was part of a revolutionary extremist organization known as the Black Liberation Army, and two accomplices were stopped for a motor vehicle violation on the New Jersey Turnpike by two troopers with the New Jersey State Police.  At the time, Chesimard was wanted for her involvement in several felonies, including bank robbery. Chesimard and her accomplices opened fire on the troopers.  One trooper was wounded and the other was shot and killed execution-style at point-blank range.  Chesimard fled the scene, but was subsequently apprehended.  One of her accomplices was killed in the shoot-out and the other was also apprehended and remains in jail.
The above is a quote from the FBI’s Wanted Poster for Chesimard (married name) also more popularly known as Assata Shakur by those that share her desire to conduct terrorist activity against the government of the United States, on the soil of the United States, then to flee this country to live her cowardly life abroad, to the cowardly end of her cowardly life.  I prefer to call this coward by the name with which she was given at birth – Joanne Deborah Byron.
Byron’s known aliases include Assata Shakur, Joanne Byron, Barbara Odoms, Joanne Chesterman, Joan Davis, Justine Henderson, Mary Davis, Pat Chesimard, Jo-Ann Chesimard, Joanne Debra Chesimard, Joanne D. Byron, Joanne D. Chesimard, Joanne Davis, Chesimard Joanne, Ches Chesimard, Sister-Love Chesimard, Joann Debra Byron Chesimard, Joanne Deborah Byron Chesimard, Joan Chesimard, Josephine Henderson, Carolyn Johnson, Carol Brown, "Ches"
Why are we even talking about the above?  Because I am incensed and outraged by what the Democratic Party did to open their convention on Monday 1 April 2019 here in the United States of America.  They opened their convention with a quote attributed to this terrorist, murderer, prison escapee, and dodger of American Justice
When I joined the United States Marine Corps nearly 46 years ago, I swore an oath to protect America from enemies BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC and at every reenlistment I reaffirmed that oath to protect America from enemies BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.  This is not what I signed up for.  This is not why I fought for our country just to allow someone later in life to smear our faces in the tradition of Joanne Deborah Byron.  For all those many years I served proudly and honorably and as far as I know, I am still beholden to that oath I initially swore at my enlistment then reaffirmed at each reenlistment.  The idea that the Democratic Party would begin their convention honoring this woman simply enrages me.  Sounds to me that the Democratic Party is keeping a tradition of this woman, and what exactly is her tradition?  We already know she is a convicted murderer, we already know that she escaped prison and then years later she exiled herself in Cuba to avoid American Justice, if you read the article I have attached and do just a little research you will find she is still in the FBI’s records as being a known (wanted) terrorist.[1]  Joanne Deborah Byron in cold blood murdered New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster on the Second day of May 1973.  Foerster was shot and killed with his own weapon after he responded as a backup officer to an officer who was also shot but merely wounded.
Joanne Deborah Byron was also honored this year during Black History month by JetBlue on their social media.  JetBlue was later told to apologize for their faux pas.
Joanne Deborah Byron first joined the Black Panther Party (BPP) and quickly emerged as a terrorist against the government of the United States.  Joanne Deborah Byron soon left the ranks of the BPP and joined the more aggressive Black Liberation Army (BLA).
Funds from Colin Kaepernick have been sent to and used to support the Assata’s Daughters.  Assata’s Daughters is a Chicago based (no surprise there) group that focuses on empowering black women in the tradition of “Assata Shakur”.  What do you suppose that means, in the tradition of?  It is not that tough to connect those dots, our Socialistic Indoctrinated Graduates of our public education system (also known as snowflakes that graduated from public school) is now trying to push this socialist/communist agenda in order to take over everything for which we fought!
Joanne Deborah Byron’s words, in turn, were taken out of the final sentences of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels' Communist Manifesto: "The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Proletarians of All Countries, Unite!"
The Democratic hopefuls at the conference included 2020 Democratic White House contenders Cory Booker, Julián Castro, Beto O'Rourke, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Jay Inslee and Kirsten Gillibrand.  The only one conspicuously absent was Joe Biden, he most likely was too busy groping some female and was unable to get to the conference.
Maxine Waters wrote the following to Cuba’s President stating "I, and some of the Members of the Congressional Black Caucus, mistakenly voted for House Concurrent Resolution 254 which called on the Government of Cuba to extradite to the United States Joanne Chesimard and all other individuals who have fled the United States from political persecution and received political asylum in Cuba," Waters wrote to Castro.  "Joanne Chesimard was the birth name of a political activist known to most Members of the Congressional Black Caucus as Assata Shakur.  For the record, I am opposed to the resolution.  I unequivocally stated that a mistake was made, and I would have voted against the legislation."
Joanne Deborah Byron, your life will most likely end during your self-imposed exile in Cuba.  The crimes you committed will most likely go unpunished.  May your soul be damned eternally!
