Just a few days ago, we were talking about illegals and properly classifying illegals.  Realizing I have never explained to you the difference between migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants, I thought it prudent to put out a little more information regarding classification of aliens.  Keep in mind, each time we misclassify someone as a refugee or an asylum seeker, they most likely will be streamlined into American citizenship while at the same time they place a plethora of multiplicities of strain upon us Americans and our America.  Though, before we begin, I do want to share one story.
On the morning of November 22, 2018 —Thanksgiving Day —a man who should never have been in our country (an illegal) drank several beers before getting behind the wheel of a car.  He blew through two red lights at an intersection, killing 29 year old El Paso 6th grade teacher Amanda (Mandy) Weyant-Ferguson.  Surveillance footage shows Mandy was in a crosswalk as she crossed the street.  A witness described the sound of the impact as being so loud that he thought two vehicles had collided, not as if a human being was struck.
Hillary Clinton on open borders - "My dream is a hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders."
Over 100 years ago, an international congress categorically rejected all border controls.  A resolution passed by the majority of delegates at the International Socialist Congress in Stuttgart from August 18-24, 1907 declared categorically:
The congress does not seek a remedy to the potentially impending consequences for the workers from immigration and emigration in any economic or political exclusionary rules, because these are fruitless and reactionary by nature. This is particularly true of a restriction on the movement and the exclusion of foreign nationalities or races.
The resolution included the demand:
Abolition of all restrictions which prevent certain nationalities or races from staying in a country or which exclude them from the social, political and economic rights of the natives or impede them in exercising those rights. Extensive measures to facilitate naturalization.
Most people learn better through repetition of training.  Here’s your repetition of training.  Just eleven or twelve or thirteen lines ago I said International Socialist Congress in Stuttgart.  You perhaps were thinking ‘it’ll never happen in America’.  Here’s a news flash!  It is happening in America right now at this very juncture of time.  The agenda of the namby-pamby left of liberal Socialist Democratic Party of America.  You know the type.  Some are called “Snowflakes”, others are called “Millennials”, still others are called Marginalized.  Some are called by other names such as Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Bernie Sanders, George Soros, and the Clinton Foundation.
There are support groups (perhaps one of the most recognizable is el Jente [also spelled el Gente]) to provide illegals with information on how to file for aid via US Taxpayer money; there is always money to give to the needy illegals while American citizens suffer.
The same Federal and California wage and hour laws that apply to authorized workers generally apply to persons working without legal immigration status.  These laws establish an illegal’s right to minimum wage, overtime pay, breaks, tips, and other forms of wages.  For example, an employer cannot refuse to pay an illegal by saying they should not have been working in the first place because they have no “papers”.  An illegal can either file with the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (also known as the “Labor Commissioner”) or sue their employer in court.  All workers who are injured on the job, including undocumented workers, are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits in California to cover the cost of medical treatment and, in some cases, lost wages.  Undocumented workers have rights to information regarding their health and safety rights. They have the right to refuse unsafe work if they reasonably believe it would create a real and apparent hazard to them or their co-workers. They also can file health and safety complaints with the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA).[1]  Just for giggles, go to this webpage to some of the free legal advice given out routinely to illegals to get them a job and keep them a job.  https://legalaidatwork.org/factsheet/undocumented-workers-employment-rights/
A Definition: Non-differential misclassification occurs when the probability of individuals being misclassified is equal across all groups in the study.  Differential misclassification occurs when the probability of being misclassified differs between groups in a study.  So, to help avoid differential or non-differential misclassification, I feel we should at least know the different ways to come into America.
A refugee is a person forced to flee their home as a result of war, violence, or persecution, often without warning.  They are unable to return home unless and until conditions in their native land are safe for them again.[2]
Any official entity such as a government or the United Nations Refugee Agency determines whether a person seeking international protection meets the definition of a refugee, based on well-founded fear of an individual of his or her government.
An asylum seeker is someone who is also seeking international protection from dangers in his or her home country, but whose claim for refugee status hasn’t been determined legally.  Asylum seekers must apply for protection in the country of destination—meaning they must arrive at or cross a border in order to apply.[3]
Then, they must be able to prove to authorities they meet criteria to be covered by refugee protections. Not every asylum seeker will be recognized as a refugee.
Tens of thousands of children and families from Central America have fled extreme danger—murder, kidnapping, violence against women and forced recruitment by gangs.  Those arriving at the U.S. border are being depicted as “illegal immigrants,” but in reality, crossing an international border for asylum is not illegal and an asylum seeker’s case must be heard, according to U.S. and international law.
An immigrant is someone who makes a conscious decision to leave his or her home and move to a foreign country with the intention of settling there. Immigrants often go through a lengthy vetting process to immigrate to a new country. Many become lawful permanent residents and eventually citizens.
Immigrants research their destinations, explore employment opportunities, and study the language of the country where they plan to live.  Most importantly, they are free to return home whenever they choose.[4]
A migrant is someone who is moving from place to place (within his or her country or across borders), usually for economic reasons such as seasonal work.  Similar to immigrants, they were not forced to leave their native countries because of persecution or violence, but rather are seeking better opportunities.[5]
There are about 10.8 million people living in the United States illegally as of 2016, roughly between 3.3 and 3.7 percent of our population.  About 2007 our illegal population topped out about 12.2 million but that has been on a decline ever since.
All things being said, and only one thousand one hundred seventy-nine words later, the question remains.  How do we stop illegals from crossing our border?
Just like this.
1.       Build the Wall.
2.       Properly classify immigrants, migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers.
3.       Enforce existing immigration laws.
4.       Take away all their freebies.
5.       Deportation without exception.
Look at the link I provided below to see just how hard President Trump has been working to stop the illegals from crossing our borders!  Thank you Mr. President!

[1] https://legalaidatwork.org/factsheet/undocumented-workers-employment-rights/
[2] https://www.rescue.org/article/migrants-asylum-seekers-refugees-and-immigrants-whats-difference
[3] ibid
[4] ibid
[5] ibid
