Normalization of Sex

Parents beware I am the Gender Non Specific Unicorn.  I am gender neutral and I am here to captivate your child’s undeveloped sexual imagination and to shape their sexual little minds into whatever I choose.  I am here to tell you my goal is to teach your child that homosexuality and transgender behavior is okay and to teach them of all of the many ways to define gender, and to confuse and bewilder your child about appropriate sexual desires.  After all, they are only in the first grade, what better age to teach your child about sex and sexuality.  Of course, they will believe everything I tell them; why would they not believe a cute and innocent looking little unicorn such as myself.  Besides, I am their teacher and not only am I with them all day long, I also assign homework and it is I that makes up all of the silly little games that we play in school; and, we share secrets in the classroom that I will later tell to not share with you.  And those secrets will be just between us, me and your child.  no one else will ever know!  Besides, every child wants a secret; right?  Whatever happens in our classroom stays in our classroom, that’s what I say!
It will require we make minor alterations to certain insignificant little things such as [for example] our vocabulary.  We will no longer use words such as boys and girls, instead, we will replace these words with more appropriate words, for example, they will all be the students and I will be the scholar.  That sounds just so much better, would you agree?  Your children can even call me Uncle Walt if they like.  Once we get past what we consider a simple reeducation process (renaming, if you will) this change in word association will overtime become less confusing to your child.
Our strict adherence to rules in the classroom are simple, (1) no discussion at home about what goes on in the classroom.  (2) what happens in our classroom stays in our classroom.  (3) and, once we have determined your child’s new chosen gender identity, that will become confidential information to be discussed between the school and your child only, and not to be discussed with you without explicitly specific approval from your child, the student.  Once our reeducation process is complete and your child is now completely and totally incapable to understand or make a decision about their sexual identity, we will begin to develop their new identity’s sexual morality.  beware, the gender police and your school’s leadership are monitoring your child’s aggressive sexual changes, advancement, and development very closely; interference by the parent could result in sanctions against the parent.
We hope you and your child really enjoy what we have in store for you both this year.  We have included in this package a list of words we will be studying throughout this year, please become familiar with the words because it is so very important for your child to know and understand the exact meanings of these new words and proper usage is!  Ta-ta for now!
Gender Non-Specific Unicorn[1]
The above quote is all made up.  It is a quote from my book Don’t Let ‘em Win, as it turns out today it is almost verbatim law in Delaware.  I foolishly thought we were farther away from normalization of sex in our Public Schools.
Beware sex education in America, has risen such ire of late, CNN aired a documentary series meant to investigate sex education in America.  In America today, education is largely funded and administered by government or non-profit institutions.  In turn, government involvement has developed gradually and is now taken so much for granted that little explicit attention is any longer directed to the reasons for this special treatment of education.  The result is an indiscriminate extension of governmental responsibility with a good dose of abide by government rule or lose government funding.
California schools teach students to apply condoms on fake penii and how to have SAFE anal sex.  Questions involve technical terms for a female receiving oral sex and the area of skin between a female’s private parts.
The school has leaned into the state’s very open sexual education laws and even provides a teen health clinic where students are provided for free contraception and the “Morning After” pill.
California law requires all subjects must be medically accurate and inclusive to all sexual orientations and gender identities without promoting any particular religion.  Any topic regarding sex is free game.[2]
California’s Department of Education (DoE) approved controversial sex education guidelines for public school teachers that encourages classroom discussions about gender identity and LGBT relationships.
California’s finalized framework tells teachers that students in kindergarten can identify as transgender and offers tips for how to talk about that, adding “the goal is not to cause confusion about the gender of the child but to develop an awareness that other expressions exist.”  W.T.H.?
California provides tips for discussing masturbation with middle-schoolers, including telling students masturbation is not physically harmful, and for discussing puberty with transgender teens that creates “an environment that is inclusive and challenges binary concepts about gender.”
Schools are not mandated to use the new framework in their curricula.  The framework serves to provide educators and administrators state standards about a wide range of health education topics, including nutrition, physical activity, combating alcohol and drug abuse in addition to sexual health.  None of which is mandatory education, in other words, students can opt out of the nutrition, physical activity, combating alcohol and drug abuse in addition to sexual health classes.
What students cannot opt out of are classes that explain gender identity, discrimination and social issues such as the Supreme Court ruling of same-sex marriage.[3]
During the Obama years, we continued to allow an assault against our daughters and sons allowing Obama to say and do what he wanted to, and since none protested him, Obama truly thought he was getting it right.  Any objections would have certainly been met with allegations of racial oppression, gender oppression, political correctness, or somethingphobia.  The number 6 goal of the New World Order [in part] reads to make pornography an “art-form” which will be widely accepted.  The number 10 goal of the New World Order to weaken the moral fiber of the nation.[4]
Today we talk about California.  We could just as easily be talking about Delaware where the government has so much all screwed up that Delaware can expose every parent to potentially be a racist or a sexist or practitioner of some other form of bigotry should the parent attempt to or appear to assuage a child’s decision.[5]  Or it could be New York where you can identify with any number of (or multiples of) 31 different gender identities.[6]
Normalization of sex must stop immediately.  I see in our future a rise in pedophilia activity between adult teachers and young students of all ages; and why not?  The justification will be that since I (whomever) was the one to teach (him or her) about sex, who else would (he or she) trust other than me as a first time, potentially a multiple time sex partner.  We are duty bound as parents, grandparents, Christians, as Conservatives, and as concerned citizens to destroy this effort to normalize sex amongst the American Public and in our country via the Public School system.  We must act now or allow our children and grandchildren to sacrifice to the consequences.

[1] Don’t Let ‘em Win  DC Vesser page 148
[4] Don’t Let ‘em Win DC Vesser page 151
[5] Don’t Let ‘em Win DC Vesser page 149
[6] Don’t Let ‘em Win DC Vesser page 149
