George Soros, an American Socialist, number 9 in a series

After yesterday’s post, I received a message from a reader that wanted to know my goal in putting all this information out there.  I told the inquisitor that while doing research for a book I am writing I discovered this information and was so alarmed that our taxpayers are paying for these organizations at the will of George Soros funded by taxpayer dollars authorized by the Obama administration.  I know that my book will not be in print for a while, so I wanted to get this information out to all that care, so I thought BLOG it.  Turns out the guy asking the question is a professor at a very liberal college and through his misguided judgement he supports the socialist ways of the far left.  His gratitude to me was to let me know that thanks to my research he knows what organizations to contribute to.  I gottta tell you, I really did not anticipate that; my original intent was and remains to give my conservative sisters and brothers facts that can be relied upon so you can know the truth.  I intend to continue with  my efforts; you tell me.  Does this information help you?  If so, let all your friends know about my blog site at or log directly onto my blog site as or send them a link to my page, whichever way you go, I am certain it will be the right decision; thank you.  Help me get this information to the public, to as many as you and I know that might be interested.  These few additions for today ends those organizations that start with a “C”, tomorrow we will start with the “D” organizations.  Help fight the good fight, thanks Patriots.
Center for International Policy: This organization uses advocacy, policy research, media outreach, and educational initiatives to promote “transparency and accountability” in U.S. foreign policy and global relations.  It generally views America as a disruptive, negative force in the world.
Center for Reproductive Rights: CRR's mission is to guarantee safe, affordable contraception and abortion-on-demand for all women, including adolescents.  The organization has filed state and federal lawsuits demanding access to taxpayer-funded abortions (through Medicaid) for low-income women.
Center for Responsible Lending: This organization was a major player in the subprime mortgage crisis.  According to Phil Kerpen (vice president for policy at Americans for Prosperity), CRL “sh[ook] down and harass[ed] banks into making bad loans to unqualified borrowers.” Moreover, CRL negotiated a contract enabling it to operate as a conduit of high-risk loans to Fannie Mae.
Center for Social Inclusion: This organization seeks to counteract America's "structural racism" by means of taxpayer-funded policy initiatives.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Reasoning from the premise that tax cuts generally help only the wealthy, this organization advocates greater tax expenditures on social welfare programs for low earners.
Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS): Aiming to redistribute wealth by way of higher taxes imposed on those whose incomes are above average, COWS contends that "it is important that state government be able to harness fair contribution from all parts of society – including corporations and the wealthy."
Change America Now: Formed in December 2006, Change America Now describes itself as "an independent political organization created to educate citizens on the failed policies of the Republican Congress and to contrast that record of failure with the promise offered by a Democratic agenda."
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington: This group litigates and brings ethics charges against "government officials who sacrifice the common good to special interests" and "betray the public trust." Almost all of its targets are Republicans.
Coalition for an International Criminal Court: This group seeks to subordinate American criminal-justice procedures to those of an international court.
Color Of Change: This organization was founded to combat what it viewed as the systemic racism pervading America generally and conservatism in particular.
Common Cause: This organization aims to bring about campaign-finance reform, pursue media reform resembling the Fairness Doctrine, and cut military budgets in favor of increased social-welfare and environmental spending.
Constitution Project: This organization seeks to challenge the legality of military commissions; end the detainment of "enemy combatants”; condemn government surveillance of terrorists; and limit the President's executive privileges.
