George Soros an American Socialist! Number 3 in a series.

As promised, this is addition three in a series about those companies George Soros and his OSF directly support financially.  Just two today as they are kind of long.  Hope you enjoy the read.

America Votes: Soros also played a major role in creating this group.  America Votes was created prior to the 2004 election by Ellen Malcolm, the founder of EMILY's List; former Sierra Club executive director Carl Pope; Harold Ickes; Steve Rosenthal; and Andy Stern, the former president of Service Employees International Union (SEIU).  Greg Speed serves as president of the organization.  According to the Center for Public Integrity, "America Votes, a national liberal nonprofit group with significant union funding, made the 2011 and 2012 Wisconsin recall elections a top priority, providing a major cash infusion to a handful of groups that helped organize the efforts."  America Votes donated $940,000 toward the ultimately unsuccessful recall effort against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.  America Votes does not disclose its donors. The group raised $12.7 million in 2013, and projects revenue of $8.5 million in 2014. According to the Center for Public Integrity, "Between 40 percent and 50 percent of that sum is projected to come from wealthy donors connected to the Democracy Alliance, a secretive nonprofit whose funders include the likes of billionaire investor George Soros and author, horticulturalist and philanthropist Amy Goldman."
America's Voice: The mission of America’s Voice (AV) and America’s Voice Education Fund (AVEF) is to harness the power of American voices and American values to enact policy change that guarantees full labor, civil and political rights for immigrants and their families. We work in partnership with progressive, faith-based, labor, civil rights, and grassroots groups, networks, and leaders to policies and legislation that will stabilize the lives of 11 million Americans-in-waiting and put them on the road to full citizenship.
The immigration reforms we support includes the following elements:
  • A direct, fair, and inclusive road to citizenship for immigrants in the U.S. without papers.
  • Channels for future legal immigration that are flexible and functional.
  • Robust protections and guaranteed rights for all workers.
  • Enforcement that is targeted and fair, and respects immigrants’ rights.
  • Full and equal rights for all immigrants.
These scare me and should be known about in our conservative market.
