George Soros. An American Socialist, number 6 in a series.

This one wraps up all of the A's.  Remember, these anti conservative agendas are all directly financially funded by George Soros and his Open Society Foundation.  

American Independent News Network: This organization promotes "impact journalism" that advocates progressive change.  The American Independent Institute is a nonprofit organization which funds liberal investigative journalism efforts. According to the organization, its aim is to support journalism which exposes "the nexus of conservative power in Washington."

American Institute for Social Justice: AISJ's goal is to produce skilled community organizers who can “transform poor communities” by agitating for increased government spending on city services, drug interdiction, crime prevention, housing, public-sector jobs, access to healthcare, and public schools.

American Library Association: This group has been an outspoken critic of the Bush administration's War on Terror -- most particularly, Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act, which it calls "a present danger to the constitutional rights and privacy rights of library users."

The American Prospect, Inc.: This corporation trains and mentors young leftwing journalists, and organizes strategy meetings for leftist leaders.

Amnesty International: This organization directs a grossly disproportionate share of its criticism for human rights violations at the United States and Israel.

Applied Research Center: Viewing the United States as a nation where “structural racism” is deeply “embedded in the fabric of society,” ARC seeks to "build a fair and equal society" by demanding “concrete change from our most powerful institutions."

Arab American Institute Foundation: The Arab American Institute denounces the purportedly widespread civil liberties violations directed against Arab Americans in the post-9/11 period and characterizes Israel as a brutal oppressor of the Palestinian people.

Aspen Institute: This organization promotes radical environmentalism and views America as a nation plagued by deep-seated “structural racism.”

Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now: This group conducts voter mobilization drives on behalf of leftist Democrats.  These initiatives have been notoriously marred by fraud and corruption.
