George Soros, an American Socialist! Number 1 in a series.

Below are listed companies that both Soros and his OSFs provide direct funding to. I want to get this information out there so I will try to piece it out daily two or three at a time. There are two hundred of them. Keep your eye open daily, you might be shocked at some of them. The OSF is Soros' Open Society Foundation. They support socialism and communism while they thwart the capitalist way of conservatives. They want all of your money and property and there are laws that exist to aid their cause. This is real folks. Herein are three of the two hundred.
1. Advancement Project: This organization works to organize "communities of color" into politically cohesive units while disseminating its leftist worldviews and values as broadly as possible by way of a sophisticated communications department. Advancement Project chooses project activities, whether national or local, with the potential to build power at the grassroots level and to reframe and accelerate the quest for racial justice.
2. Air America Radio: Now defunct, this was a self-identified "liberal" radio network. Air America (formerly Air America Radio and Air America Media) was an American radio network specializing in progressive talk radio. It was on the air from March 2004 to January 2010. The network featured programs with monologues by on-air personalities, guest interviews, call-ins from listeners, and news reports.
3. Al-Haq: Al-Haq is an independent Palestinian human-rights organization founded in 1979 and based in Ramallah in the West Bank. It monitors and documents human-rights violations by all parties to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, issuing reports on its findings and producing detailed legal studies.
