The Fairfax County, VA Police Department enacted a policy in 2007 prohibiting officers from confirming a person's immigration status and detaining them solely based on civil violations of immigration law.  Does that make Fairfax a sanctuary county?
A Fairfax County Police officer was suspended after he allegedly detained the drivers of both vehicles at the scene of the accident to ascertain the facts surrounding the accident.  While during the officer’s investigation, it was discovered one driver did not have a valid driver’s license in his possession at the time of the accident on Sept. 21, 2019, but a routine check with the state Department of Motor Vehicles of the suspect revealed he DID have a bench warrant for failing to appear before a judge for a deportation hearing.  The officer verified the warrant and alerted Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents.[1]
New York City banned the term illegal alien when used with intent to demean, humiliate or harass a person.  New Yorkers prefer instead to call undocumented transient persons migrants which is a little less demeaning but lends confusion as migrant does not indicate if one is coming or going; they are just there.
New York also bans discrimination against someone based on their English proficiency and threats to call immigration authorities on someone based on a discriminatory motive.  These violations can result in fines up to $250,000.[2]
In the United States there are information offices that provide financial aid and legal advice to Illegal Immigrants and Refugees in (at a minimum 25 locations including but not limited to) Sacramento, CA;  Miami, Broward, and Palm Beach, FL; Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Indianapolis, IN; Louisville, and Lexington, KY; Grand Rapids, MI; Lincoln, NE; Concord, NH; Jersey City, NJ; Syracuse, and Buffalo, NY; Durham, and Greensboro, NC; Columbus, OH; in Portland, OR; Lancaster, PA; Houston, Dallas, and Amarillo, TX; and in Harrisonburg, and Richmond, VA.  Ostensibly these offices are taxpayer funded and provide free or at low cost programs to non-American citizens that are in the United States illegally.  These offices offer an array of, great cost to U.  S.   taxpayers, services which include but are not limited to:
1.       reception,
2.       placement settlement,
3.       intensive case management,
4.       employment services,
5.       Cuban and Haitian entrant programs,
6.       health and medical care and treatment,
7.       legal services,
8.       housing,
9.       education,
10.   welfare, and social security.
Did you know that Asylum applicant(s) are entitled to a multiplicity of benefits at exorbitant costs to U.  S.  taxpayers.  These benefits include – but are not limited to:
1.       cash for housing and living-expenses assistance,
2.       help asylum seekers apply for government benefits and services (such as a Social Security card, refugee travel document, health care, and food stamps),
3.       enrollment in English as a Second Language (ESL) classes and front of the line privilege to Illegals over 18 to Ivy League schools while U,  S.  citizens do not get the spot,
4.       offer job-training classes, counseling, and job placement services, and
5.       psychological counseling.
Let us change gears here for a little bit and talk a little about some of the goals of the Illuminati.  Do not worry, I am not going to turn this into an Illuminati rant.  Briefly – goal number nine of the Illuminati says to seize property by any means, Elizabeth Warren thinks the government should be allowed to seize property.[4],[5],[6]
Goal number twelve of the Illuminati says members must use their wealth to have candidates chosen and placed in public office who will be obedient to their demands and will be used as pawns in the game by those behind the scenes.  Their advisors will have been reared and trained from childhood to rule the affairs of the world
During 2018 George Soros’ Open Society Foundation spent over one billion dollars globally to pay for such things as:
·         promoting an open border between Mexico and the United States; and around the world,
·         fighting immigration enforcement efforts worldwide,
·         fomenting worldwide racial disharmony by funding anti-capitalist racialist organizations, and weakening the integrity of our electoral systems,
·         promoting U.  S.  taxpayer funded abortion-on-demand,
·         advocating a government-run health care system,
·         opposing U.S. counterterrorism efforts,
·         promoting dubious transnational climate change agreements that threaten American sovereignty, and
·         working to promote gun control and erode Second Amendment protections.[7]
Goal number thirteen of the Illuminati says to control the press, George Soros owns most of the world’s media.  George Soros, in an attempt to put 400 Bernie Sanders like politicians in Congress, has buffered the political careers of many politicians such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  Ocasio-Cortez was able to defeat her opponent, who greatly outspent her, because of her online presence.  In an interview with the Young Turks Ocasio-Cortez admits her win was achieved thanks to the Media Consortium’s coverage of Ocasio-Cortez.[8] 
The Media Consortium is a Soros media empire that, according to Media Research Center (MRC), reaches nearly 300 million people a month.  Soros is responsible for funding nearly every major left-wing media publication in order to manipulate and shape public opinion (brainwash).
“Soros funds nearly every major left-wing media source in the United States,” MRC stated.
“Forty-five of those are financed through his support of the Media Consortium.  That organization ‘is a network of the country’s leading, progressive, independent media outlets.  The list is predictable – everything from Alternet to the Young Turks.”[9]
With all that said, I believe three things:
1.      our conservative agenda of capitalism is the only way we as a United States of America can remain a sovereign State,
2.      there is so much fake news all around the world, no one except one’s closest ally and confidant can be trusted, so – fact check everything, and
3.      any attempt to remove our sovereignty and usurp our constitutional rights by turning us toward socialism and communism must be vanquished.

[9] Ibid
