The Power Behind the Progressive Comic Media

While everything is not a conspiracy theory, not all that appears good is far from the perverse.  For example, on thirteen October two thousand nineteen You Tube aired a video about Sana Amanat; the name of that video is a portrait of the power behind the progressive comic industry.  It is a matter of fact that there are always two very different stories about what others might tell you are right or wrong or true or false or black or white.  Get used to the idea that either you are going to have to get better at fact checking your own information and thinking outside the box, or, you might as well get in line with all of the other We the Sheeple.

The video starts off a little slow talking about a young American Pakistani Muslim lady born to a humble and simple beginning; suddenly the video forays into the truth which is far from how the video implied.  Sana Amanat’s infancy and early childhood was far from humble and simple beginnings.  Sana Amanat was born into what was referred to on the 18th day of September 2015 as an overwhelmingly white suburb of New Jersey.  Sana’s father, Omar Amanat, is very well known in the entertainment industry.  Perhaps best known by his nickname, Serial Swindler.  But, this story is about Sana.  She was born and raised in an upscale New Jersey suburb, is 2nd cousin to Huma Abedin, has close family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (Sisterhood).  She was educated in Political Science at the Barnard College of Columbia University, Sana joined Marvel Comics in 2009 and as the Director of Content and Character Development and is at present day titled as Vice President of Content and Character Development for Marvel Comics, was able to usher out a new heroine (Ms. Marvel) under the masthead of Marvel Comics by 2014 and during Woman’s History Month that same year, Sana introduced (then) President Obama to a group of women and presented the president with a copy of Ms. Marvel.

Okay, nice story.  What’s the point?

The point is, I ask you to consider all of the implications.  Call it an awakening.  Look through the nice wrapping and examine the contents a little more closely and a little more carefully.  I am going to take you way out there just to show you the depth of questioning you need to invoke.

Number one, we must assume ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (Sisterhood).  Why?  On August 26th 2016, Glenn Kessler wrote an article for the Washington Post with a lot of compelling evidence that Huma Abedin has close family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (Sisterhood).  If that family link exists, then it de facto defaults to Sana Amanat.  The relationship between Huma and Sana is both Huma’s and Omar’s mothers are sisters.  Besides, the You Tube video also suggests ties.

Number two, if ties exist between the Muslim Brotherhood (Sisterhood), we must consider them as radical and anti-American.  If there are ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (Sisterhood), is Sana adhering to our enemies, passing information, or giving aid and comfort to the radical and anti-American terrorists.

Third, with the close relationship to Huma Abedin you also must consider a close relationship to Hillary Clinton.  If that relationship exists, we must consider shared far left progressive socialist agendas, ideas, and philosophies.

Fourth, and with the introduction of Barack Obama to a group of women during Women’s History Month in 2014, we must consider a connection between Sana Amanat and Barack Obama, shared far left progressive socialist agendas, ideas, and philosophies.

Fifth, since we have established a connection between Sana Amanat and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, we must also assume a connection with George Soros; both Hillary and Barack know George Soros, more shared far left progressive socialist agendas, ideas, and philosophies.

Sixth, since Sana knows Hillary, Barack, George, (and is related to) Huma, then she must know Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez because Alexandria also knows George Soros and yes there is yet more shared far left progressive socialist agendas, ideas, and philosophies.

Now (suddenly) it is starting to sound like Sana is supportive of a far-left progressive socialist agendas, and it sounds reasonable that Ms. Marvel, the new heroine of Marvel Comics, might be supportive of a liberal agenda.  And, at the end of this rabbit hole, the very next time our country elects a liberal administration, Marvel Comic writers and editors will turn their talents toward writing American History the way our liberal left would have it remembered.  Then, the distribution commences and lies are told to our children in our departments of education so our children will remember history the way our liberal administration would have them remember history; and not to remember history the way history occurred.
