Fredericksburg Gun Expo

Books by DCVesser was at the Fredericksburg VA gun Expo on the 25th and 26th of January 2020 and we had great success.  One of the things I found as being of great success is the fact I was fortunate enough to make some new acquaintances while at the same time I was able to renew some older acquaintances.
I had my camera ready to capture on film one such acquaintances; when I was able to meet Nicholas (Nick) J. Freitas.  Nick is a member of the Virginia House of Delegates.  He was first elected in 2015, and represents the 30th district, which comprises Madison County, Orange County, and the southern half of Culpeper County as a Republican.  Nick is the tall guy on the left of the above picture.  I met Nick while he was exercising his Second Amendment Right at the Fredericksburg Gun Expo.  Standing next to Nick is a very close and good friend of mine, Tom Worthy.  Tom (among other things) is a Deputy Sheriff for Spotsylvania County, VA.
Unfortunately, I was not quick enough with my camera to get a shot of John Joseph McGuire III – John is a member of the Virginia House of Delegates.  He was first elected in 2017 and represents the 56th district comprising areas to the North and West of Richmond, Virginia.  John and is a former United States Navy SEAL.  I never saw a Navy Trident in person until I met John.  Something you would have thought would have been possible somewhere during my over 20 years of active service as a United States Marine.
Lastly, and not leastly, I was honored to meet a young fellow from my home state of Missouri, Dakota Worrell, Dakota is a Regional Field Director for the Republican Party of Virginia.  Gentlemen – one and all – Semper Fi.  Let’s do the right thing and vote Republican to help support our President – Donald J. Trump - during his next four years in office.  After all, as hard as he tries, Donald just cannot carry both ends of the bale ALL OF THE TIME.  Let’s keep America Great by turning out at every opportunity to vote Republican and keep these men in office to fight against those that we call liberals.
Stay tuned, I am not finished talking about these American Heroes.  You will see more in the days ahead.
