Is He Who You Remember

The Making of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

Did we fabricate a lie?
I in no way intend to discredit Dr. Martin Luther King Jr nor to any member of his surviving family nor to any previous members of the King family.  Frequently what we see on the surface of great leaders is flawed in the romanticism of our memory of that leader.  Today we celebrate the life and achievements of Martin Luther King on the third Monday in January annually; although Martin Luther King Day is a federally recognized holiday, not everyone has always enthusiastically endorsed the holiday.  New Hampshire is officially the last state in the United States to recognize Martin Luther King Day and New Hampshire has recognized the holiday since 1999.
But do we actually celebrate the life and achievements toward civil rights of reverend Martin Luther King Jr annually, or do we celebrate a proxy?  Do you know, when he was born King’s name was Michael.  Michael is the name originally on his birth certificate.
Martin Luther King Jr was born on the 15th day of January 1929 in Atlanta GA and grew up in a house he shared with his parents and his grandparents in the Auburn Avenue Community of Atlanta
Michael was named after his father, the Reverend Michael King, who was senior pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta.
In 1934, the older King attended a meeting in Berlin to celebrate the birthplace of Protestant Martyr Martin Luther, and to further celebrate the Protestant Reformation.
When Reverend Michael King returned to Atlanta, the senior King decided to change his name and his son’s name from Michael to Martin Luther, to honor the German Protestant leader[1].  That really never happened.  Although people began to identify with the younger Michael King as Martin Luther, Martin Luther never really caught on with the elder Michael King.  So, since the elder King never changed his name to Martin Luther and his name remained Michael King; the younger Michael King (also known as Martin Luther) could not be a Jr.  The Jr was a suffix for Michael King.
Though the intent may have been to legally change Michael to Martin Luther, a legal change was never made and that is why King Jr.’s birth certificate (which is filed with the Georgia Department of Public Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics) was altered on July 23, 1957, when he was 28.  The word “Michael” is crossed out, and “Martin Luther Jr.” is printed next to it[2].
My original question did we fabricate a lie remains unanswered.  I think we should decide if we fabricated a lie after answering the following questions:
          did the name change go through the court process to change his name on all legal documents, and
          did Reverend Michael King legally change his name to Martin Luther?
If the answer to bullet number one is no then his name remained Michael until his date of death in 1968.  If the answer to bullet number two is no then he could not have been a junior.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made his Mark on the U.S. and the WORLD when he Pioneered for Civil Rights and Equality Decades Ago.

Did we fabricate a lie?
Despite his reputation as an articulate speaker and an ardent philosopher, the FBI claimed that without help from his advisers, King would have been an ineffective speaker.
King was portrayed as a whole-hearted Marxist who studied and believed in Marxism but because of King’s religious background (once again brought into question for lack of credentials), did not dare to support communism or Marxism publicly."
A committee of scholars appointed by Boston University concluded that reverend Martin Luther King Jr. plagiarized passages in his dissertation for a doctoral degree.
In spite of its finding, the committee declared it would serve no purpose to revoke King’s doctoral degree; they did instead place a letter stating its findings with the official copy of King's dissertation in the university's library[3].
Although not within my purview of authority, I would speculate that Boston University prostituted its values the day they decided to not revoke King’s doctoral title.  The Boston University awarder Michael King a Doctorate of Philosophy in Systematic Theology.  I wonder at the University’s credibility of awarding same or similar doctoral degrees to future student’s.  I also wonder about King’s credibility as a church leader in the Baptist Community, in other words, why do we call him the reverend Martin Luther King Jr?

A secret FBI dossier on civil rights leader Martin Luther King alleges that he had a string of affairs and other "sexual aberrations", as well as links to the Communist Party.

Dated just three weeks before King's assassination in April 1968.
The following lists accusations such as:
          King was surrounded by advisers with strong links to the Communist Party USA,
          King’s statements were always subject to approval by the alleged communist sympathizers,
          King was a secret supporter of communism, "a whole-hearted Marxist"
          King’s organization, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, set up a "tax dodge" to raise funds for its activities
          King took part in "drunken sex orgies" and coerced young women to participate
          King had love affairs with at least four women, including folk singer Joan Baez
The list of alleged indiscretions would likely have been deeply problematic for the civil rights leader if it had been made public in 1968.
King was killed before the planned march.

King’s 'Abnormal' Sexual Preferences

Some will document King as a person with multiple affairs with married and unmarried women, as being one to have an out of wedlock child with a lover while all the time portraying the obedient and faithful happily married husband and father.  Some allege King’s participation in group sex orgies that were fueled by alcohol and drugs; there are some that allege King was obediently present during a forcible and aggravated rape of a fellow church goer because she protested against performing what she considered to be unnatural sex acts with a partner not of her choice[4]
At a February 1968 workshop to train ministers in urban leadership, it is alleged: "One Negro minister in attendance later expressed his disgust with the behind-the scene drinking, fornication, and homosexuality that went on at the conference."
"Several Negro and white prostitute[s] were brought in from the Miami area. An all-night sex orgy was held with these prostitutes and some of the delegates."
The document alleged that King also engaged in a "two-day drunken sex orgy" in Washington in January 1964.  "When one of the females shied away from engaging in an unnatural act, King and other of the males present discussed how she was to be taught and initiated in this respect," it added[5].
Beware idol worship.
