No Justice for Kate

Kate Steinle was murdered by an illegal and undocumented alien on 1 July 2015 while she walked on San Francisco’s Pier 14 with her father.
Kate’s alleged assailant, Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, [also known as (AKA) Juan Francisco López-Sánchez] was at the time and still remains an undocumented illegal alien in the United States from Mexico; Garcia Zarate (López-Sánchez) was seven times arrested for being in the United States illegally and five times deported from the United States back to Mexico for being in the United States illegally.
Let it be known that illegal in this exact case means far more than what meets the eye.  Just to name five, Garcia Zarate (López-Sánchez) is:
·       in this country illegally and violating federal immigration laws,
·       a recidivist criminal,
·       rumored to have been involved in El Chapo’s (Joaquin Guzman) illegal drug cartel,
·       on 1 July 2015 Juan Francisco López-Sánchez aka Jose Ines Garcia Zarate fired the bullet that killed Kate Steinle, and
·        remains undocumented in the United States despite frequent involvement with United States law enforcement authorities since the early to mid-90’s (in 1993 he was convicted three times in Washington State on felony drug charges).
Did I mention sanctuary laws are constitutionally illegal?  They are.  Although in May of 2018 the US Court of Appeals for the 5th District (Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi) found that sanctuary laws do not violate the first amendment, sanctuary laws do violate the supremacy clause of the United States Constitution.  The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States (Article VI, Clause 2), establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the “supreme Law of the Land”, and thus take priority over any conflicting state laws.
Garcia Zarate (López-Sánchez) was slated to be removed from the United States again in early 2015, just before Kate Steinle was murdered; Garcia Zarate (López-Sánchez) was transferred by federal authorities to San Francisco for adjudication of a twenty year old marijuana charge.  That charge was eventually dropped and in keeping with San Francisco’s sanctuary city policies, Garcia Zarate (López-Sánchez) was released from the control of authorities’.  Members of our very own law enforcement released an illegal and undocumented alien onto the streets of San Francisco under the color of law and with local jurisdictional lawmaker’s approval and consent (vicariously by passing and enforcing local sanctuary laws).
Jose Ines Garcia Zarate (López-Sánchez) was arrested as a suspect in the shooting death of Kate Steinle and was charged with 1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, and assault with a semi-automatic handgun.  Garcia Zarate (López-Sánchez) originally told authorities he was shooting at sea lions then later changed his story claiming when he unwrapped the weapon and discovered he had a handgun in his possession, Garcia Zarate (López-Sánchez) dropped the weapon and the weapon discharged when the handgun hit the ground.  All those charges were acquitted because according to the jury Garcia Zarate (López-Sánchez) did not intentionally cause Kate’s death.  According to Garcia Zarate (López-Sánchez) he only had momentary possession of the weapon.
After acquittal of all murder and assault charges, Garcia Zarate (López-Sánchez) was charged with and found guilty a lesser (state) charge of a felon in possession of a gun and ammunition, only to have his attorney argue the judge did not properly instruct the jury on the issue that Garcia Zarate (López-Sánchez) may have only had momentary possession of a gun and therefore had not committed a crime.  The only conviction Kate Steinle’s murderer received was overturned!
Steinle’s parents sued the city of San Francisco for damages under vicarious liabilities, Spero (a San Francisco Federal Judge) dismissed those claims in 2017, saying there was no prior evidence that Garcia Zarate (López-Sánchez) was dangerous and federal law did not require the city to inform the government before he was released under San Francisco's sanctuary city policy.  Keep in mind that San Francisco’s sanctuary laws are invalid laws that violate the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States.
In June of 2015, Jim Steinle and Elizabeth Sullivan sued the government for employing a ranger who left the handgun used in the crime unlocked in a vehicle on a street in downtown San Francisco.  The gun ended up in the hands of Jose Garcia Zarate (López-Sánchez), killing Steinle when the gun discharged while Kate walked with her father on Pier 14.
The San Francisco Chronicle reported that Ranger John Woychowski and his employer, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, may have been negligent by leaving the handgun unlocked and in a backpack on the passenger side of Woychowski’s private SUV, Spero said too much time had passed and too many events had intervened by the time the 32-year-old was killed several days later.  He noted that there also was no evidence Garcia Zarate had stolen the gun.
For years since Kate’s death, Kate’s parents – Jim Steinle and Elizabeth Sullivan – have been in and out of courtroom after courtroom trying to exonerate Kate’s name in the spirit of justice but there has been no justice for Kate.  Faced with indomitable obstacles presented by a pro illegal government, the only one that has seemed to make out here is Jose Ines Garcia Zarate (López-Sánchez).  All in all, Jose Ines Garcia Zarate (López-Sánchez) enjoyed a full free ride at the expense of the US taxpayer.  This includes food and lodging, payment for attorney’s fees; and, on top of it all, Jose Ines Garcia Zarate (López-Sánchez) got away with murder.  Perhaps Kate’s family’s greatest loss is having to live their nightmare of existence finding rejection by a pro sanctuary government at every avenue.
Via Associated Press, Wire Service Content Jan. 6, 2020, at 8:32 p.m. San Francisco (AP) — A federal judge on Monday dismissed the final outstanding lawsuit filed by the parents of Kate Steinle following her death on a San Francisco pier in 2015 in a case that sparked a national debate over sanctuary city policies.  No justice for Kate.
