George Soros, and his Pet RINOs

There was a time when you knew your enemies; now you just never know.  It should be easy to anticipate George Soros’ top ten paid off American politicians includes the likes of Obama, Schumer, H. Clinton, and Pelosi.  For those of you requiring proof the enemy (also) sleeps in our camp; at number six we find President (grandiose expectations) William F. Weld received $24,500 from Soros’ Open Society Foundation (OSF).  Senator Arlen Specter received $18,500 from Soros’ OSF.  And, Senator Mitt Romney received $17,250 from Soros’ OSF[1].  It might be interesting to point out at this exact moment, Romney was the only Republican that voted in favor of impeaching President Trump.
One of the richest men in the world today, Soros is also one of the USs’ most politically influential philanthropists.  Soros has long pointed to academia as his inspiration.  Soros’s career is organized around the idea of an open society, a term developed and popularized by Karl Popper in his classic work The Open Society and Its Enemies.  According to Popper, open societies guarantee and protect rational exchange, while closed societies force people to submit to authority, either religious, political, or economic[2].
There are speculations that (the then 14 year old) Soros identified prominent Hungarian Jewish citizens in WWII Hungary to aid Hitler’s scheme to eliminate all Jews[3].  Although it is now stated this is reporting of misinformation, here are some pieces from an interview conducted by Steve Kroft for 60 minutes which aired 20 December 1998:
        KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson[4].
        SOROS: Yes. Yes[5].
        KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews[6].
        SOROS: Yes. That’s right. Yes[7].
        KROFT: I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult[8]?
        SOROS: Not, not at all. Not at all[9].
        KROFT: No feeling of guilt[10]?
        SOROS: No[11].
Soros’s OSF supports individuals and organizations across the globe fighting for freedom of expression, accountable government, and societies that promote justice and equality[12].  Under the banner of his OSF, Soros provides direct support to at a minimum 200 organizations around the world.  Of these (nearly) two hundred organizations, sixteen support a woman’s right to have an abortion, fifteen specify abortions on demand.  Keep in mind, funding to support Soros’ generous contributions comes from the American taxpayer.  Twelve of these organizations call for tax payer funded abortions on demand!  At least three are specifically for Latinos.  There are organizations that support any notion to make all illegals – legal - immediately.  There are hate groups supported by these Soros funded organizations.  There are organizations that want to take away your property, destroy our Christian foundations, thwart and overthrow our democracy and turn us into first socialistic then to communistic.
The statistics listed above come from a book I am writing (possible title Political Corruption, the other PC) which I hope to release this mid-summer (2020).  If you wish to have the footnotes/endnotes that document contains the above information and I invite you to buy my book when it goes on sale, I will autograph a copy and send it to you.  You can log on at to secure a copy of your book.
George Soros is a globalist.  A globalist believes in a borderless world and in a freer movement of goods, services, capital, and people around the globe.  A globalist believes in a global culture and regime, in other words, sharing a set of social, lifestyle, and political norms, along with worldwide institutions that embody globalists, explicitly superseding all national norms and institutions giving a globalist that messianic achievement they seek.  Globalists believe in a flat earth morality, they believe all people and entities are to make decisions in a way that weights every human on planet earth equally, rather than expressing a higher obligation towards their neighbors, their own countrymen; etc. a lot like international law does which would mean there will be no more Constitutional Law; no rights as a United States citizen.  A globalist believes in a neoliberal view of personhood and share an implicit belief that underlies that human beings are in effect widgets, and can be viewed similarly to goods and services.  A globalist shares values and idealisms similar to socialism or communism.
William Floyd Weld is an American attorney, businessman, author, and Republican politician who served as the 68th Governor of Massachusetts from 1991 to 1997.  Weld is currently running for the Republican nomination for President of the United States of America in 2020 and has already pledged fidelity with the enemy by accepting money from George Soros.  I do not know about you but I look forward to another four years with a commander in chief that will continue to work for the American people and tired of all these do nothing politicians.
Arlen Specter was an American lawyer, author, and politician who served as United States Senator for Pennsylvania.  Specter was a Democrat from 1951 to 1965, then a Republican from 1965 until 2009, when he switched back to the Democratic Party.
Mitt Romney is an American politician and businessman who has served as the junior United States senator from Utah since January 2019.  He previously served as the 70th Governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007 and was the Republican Party's nominee for President of the United States in the 2012 election.  Always there has been speculation Romney is a RINO, now you have proof.
Soros has a plan to defeat Trump through working with key social-media platforms (e.g. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) to eliminate conservative thought and agendas.  This is no new plan, it was originally conceived during January 2017[13].
Those that consider this conspiracy either:
        are anti conservative and part of the problem, or
        you are absolutely clueless to all the facts I present.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I implore you.  I cannot remember a time when it was more important to regain control of the House, and keep control of the Senate and our White House.  It is imperative that we have the political prowess necessary to end all the deadlock and put a once and for all end to all the partisan rhetoric espoused by the Democratic party.  Thanks PATRIOTS

[5] ibid
[6] ibid
[7] ibid
[8] ibid
[9] ibid
[10] ibid
[11] ibid
