An Introduction to Books by DCVesser

Hello, my name is Dave Vesser and I am the author of Books by DCVesser.  I have three books in print currently, but; because of a re-write and other reasons I decided to take one book out of print.  So, what I currently have in print are More Than Don’t Let ‘em Win, and (Just About) Everything You Should Know About a Handgun.  My forthcoming book is going to be called Political Corruption (the other PC).  I anticipate getting that to my publisher by the end of July 2020 for edit and publication. 
Just a little about how I anticipate this forum to work; I a great deal to talk about that I think of great importance on the public stage.  I also have a great deal to say about political correctness and the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States.  Additionally, I have thoughts about how we allow “foreign” influences to invade the way we think.  Now, don’t get your back all up in the air, when I say foreign, I do not necessarily mean the first definition of foreign, from, in, or characteristic of a country or language other than one's own.  I employ here a more general definition such as the second definition of foreign as in to say strange and unfamiliar.
Just one example and we will move on because my example will be for more consideration than we will be able to give it here. 
My example is simple, there is absolutely no way a liberal government can give we the people “free” anything.  Whatever the “free” is, it will const the taxpayer money; so, the “free” stuff is not “free” after all.  Now that concept of “free” becomes strange to me and unfamiliar to me, as it is (I am quite certain) strange and unfamiliar to you.
Since it is too late to let you know what my first two books are going to be about, I will tell you some history about each book going forward with our YouTube sessions.  My new book,  Political Corruption (the other PC),  I will in time tell you what it is all about and describe to you some of what Political Corruption (the other PC) is about; but, rest assured that if you are looking for kind words about a liberal, you might be disappointed.
Though on sale at various locations such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Wal-Mart (to name a few) the best, least expensive, and perhaps quickest way to get one or more of my books would be to log onto my website at and place your order because:
  1. I have an on-hand supply available which will eliminate wait for a book to be printed before it gets shipped,
  2. everyone likes to save money and I offer prices below MSRP on all sales, and
  3. each book ordered from my website can and will generate a personally signed (by me) copy with a personalized note of your choice from me, the author.
I love to write; so, I also do blogs.  If you want to just log onto my blogspot you can do so at  Topics I do discuss on my blogspot include:
        Carlos Slim, a Mexican Businessman Billionaire with possible ties to the Mexican drug cartel, and his manipulation of our American economy in a way that does not return American money spent in Mexico back to the United States,
        a series about George Soros and how he:

o   want to remove all borders from around the world to include removal of all borders in north, central, and south America,
o   by removing all borders from around the world, Soros endeavors to make a “one world” government, money, and religion, and
o   uses American taxpayer money around the globe to further HIS agenda toward making his One World effort come thru fruition.

        additional blogs on my blogspot are topics I consider “hot” topics, such as our civil liberties, illegals in America, and thought control – to name a few.
Have you ever heard of George Soros’s Open Society Foundation?  We discuss the Opsn Society Foundation (OSF) in depth in my blogs and in Political Corruption (the other PC) we go into extraordinary depth about the OSF.
A colleague of mine, whom I also consider as a personal friend, has encouraged me to start a YouTube channel wherein I can cover specific and what I consider “hot” topics that are not only controversial, they are also imperative to discuss at some level or another.  For example, I plan to discuss world topics, CORVID19, and our economy just to be brief.
I plan to cover a wide array of topics so if you have one (or more) topic(s) in mind you would like to discuss, or something in which you might want another viewpoint for consideration, please feel free to reach out to me at dcvesser,com and make me aware of your specific requests and I will address them in upcoming blogs.
Do not forget to hit the subscribe button and make certain you select the notification bell.  Interact, chat.  Join me on facebook – or instragram – or twitter.  Or feel free to initiate dialogue with me on my blogspot.  I look forward to hearing your thoughts, mine is not the only theory that matters so, if you have something on your mind that you would like to discuss or blog, I would love to hear from you.  Just keep in mind, I do not support a liberal agenda through any on my venues.
Remember, you can order my books at and you can review and comment on my blogs at  While you are at, take a few moments to become familiar with my website, you just might find an affiliate or something else that might interest you.
