Tina Ramirez for Virginia's 7th District; it is time for a Change - Time to Once Again make Virginia back to a Conservative State

I support Tina Ramirez in her bid to unseat the liberal form of government we accept in Virginia.  Tina is running to unseat Abigail Spanberger as Virginia's 7th Congressional District Congresswoman.  Republicans, get out and vote!  Tina Ramirez for Congress!

Tina was raised in Powhatan County, Virginia, where her parents taught her traditional American values – hard work, service to country and others, and faith.  She was taught the reality and power of the American dream as she watched her father, who is the descendent of Mexican immigrants, found a medical practice, and her mother build a midwifery practice.  

Growing up in a diverse family that served others influenced Tina’s passion for working with people worldwide.  After college, she became a teacher and was soon compelled to do something to bring the freedom she was teaching her young history students to persecuted communities worldwide. Her passion for helping others has led her to more than 30 countries. Tina’s early career took her to Washington, D.C. where she developed policies to improve religious freedom in several countries for the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. She went on to become a foreign policy advisor for various members of the U.S. Congress, where she helped start and direct the bi-partisan Congressional International Religious Freedom Caucus.

Whether crafting legislation, securing the release of imprisoned victims, or engaging foreign dignitaries, Tina has worked diligently to bring greater freedom and dignity to people of all faiths who do not have it. In 2013, she used her experience to create an organization that could address and mitigate the root causes of religious conflict. Her strategy was simple: provide training to multiply the number of leaders across society defending religious freedom in countries where this freedom was most at risk. She has since trained hundreds of journalists, lawyers, religious leaders and teachers in countries such as Iraq, Sudan, Nepal, and Nigeria who are countering intolerance, violence and extremism. She has testified before the U.S. Congress, the United Nations, the African Union, and has published several articles and books related to her work on human rights and religious freedom.

She returned to Richmond to start her family and launch her business. For Tina, Richmond is more than home; as the birthplace of religious freedom in America, it embodies her life-long work and calling. Tina now lives in the suburbs outside of Richmond with her daughter, Abigail.
