Certainties During Our Uncertain Times

Certainties During Our Uncertain Times
Like many others, I hate certain events during my life.  I hated when the United States lost President JFK.  I hated how we took down Richard Nixon in 1974.  I hate the law has changed pertaining to how I can draw social security as opposed to how others just three years older than I can earn social security.  I hate that the United States Marine Corps kept me away from my family and in distant lands around the world while I served to help keep our country free.  Most especially; I hate the situation I find myself in today and through no fault of my own – I (like you) have been pushed  into this corner by people I do not even know while they worship their entitlements to all the “free” stuff Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and so many others tell them they are entitled.
I hate that so many in America remain robotically clueless day to day and have become immune to what our BIG GOVERNMENT is doing to us.  We chalk up to our Uncertain Times how our government tells us lies and causes us to commit crimes by enforcing Unconstitutional Laws our BIG GOVERNMENT wishes for us to abide by.  Let me tell you something that is CERTAIN during these uncertain times.
I am inspired by the number of “like” thinkers I speak with on a daily basis, and remain confident that we will win in the end because I tend to trust people at their word and I like what I hear and see, but that is for another blog.
THE certainty is our lives as we used to know them will never be the same again.  Do you think we will ever:
1.       be able to go to a restaurant again and sit down to a family meal without fear that someone might have a virus that might cause us serious bodily injury or death?  Or
2.       We will be able to listen to the media again without worrying about whether we should fact check their “news”.
3.       We will ever be able to go out in public again without wearing a face mask?
4.       Did the United States really pay China 3.7 Million dollars to develop COVID19?
The fact is, the story about the United States paying China to develop and release into the world a life threatening virus has been around so very long and without ever being proven to be fact or fiction, we will probably never know the truth (if there is any) about America’s involvement into funding China’s research into COVID19.
Not to worry; I will not continue to bore you with personal feelings but I do wish to offer you food for thought to keep us tracking with some of the critical information we might be missing.  Ask yourself if indeed the news we listen to daily is all NOT fake news. 
Did you know that George Soros’ Open Society Foundation owns media companies inclusive of but not limited to:
·         The Miami Herald,
·         The New York Times,
·         The Boston Globe,
·         The Seattle Times,
·         ABC News,
·         The Atlanta Journal,
·         The Huffington Post,
·         America On Line,
·         NBC Universal,
·         National Public Radio,
·         The Washington Post,
·         Pro Publica,
·         CBS,
·         The Public Broadcasting Services,
·         National Public Radio, and
·         Media Research.
Just to name a few.
How do you imagine George Soros works his agenda into the news daily?  He owns all the big news companies in the United States!  All he has to do is say “run this in the paper today”, and it happens.  His goal is to take over our world’s media and teach you the truth he wants you to know.
These companies air daily topics including but not limited to:
1.       Pro abortion,
2.       Pro illegal immigration,
3.       Pro National Health Care,
4.       Pro Drug legalization,
5.       Pro Big Government,
6.       Anti-Israel, and
7.       Anti-American.
Just to name a few.
Do you really know how many people died in America from COVID19 this year (2020) and have you ever heard a number related to the number of Americans that had the COVID19 virus but recovered fully from COVID19?  Let me answer that!   NO - because those numbers do not fit into their (American Socialists) agenda.  Those numbers did not even get disseminated amongst our citizens of these United States.  Suddenly COVID19 fits into our American agenda because the socialists of America say COVID19 is dangerous.
Do you know that a psychologist in the United Kingdom has written a book about fear and how fear relates to:
·         COVID19, and
·         Deaths related to COVID19.
We here in America have wiped out all dangerous diseases from Mumps to rubella. Cholera, chickenpox; they are all gone.  And thank you to those fore thinkers that think letting illegals from third world countries into our great nation is a good idea, those diseases are back.
How many public jurisdictions in America do you think allow people (boys and girls/men and women) above the age of 16 to wear a mask in public.  Oh, sure; some jurisdictions caveat their laws with nonsense like “to disguise themselves”, or “in a religious ceremony” or like here in the Common Wealth of Virginia where the law simply states that “Wearing a face mask in Virginia is illegal and could get you charged with a class six felony -- up to five years in jail and possibly a fine of no more than $2,500. ... The law states that anyone over the age of 16 cannot wear a mask or anything that may conceal the face in public”.  I can almost promise you that if/when we ever do get back to what used to be normal activity, no one will ever say DO NOT wear a mask in public.
These are all words from a Conservative’s agenda.  The fact is, it is the liberals, the so-called socialists of America that are driving this COVID19 agenda.  They want to shut down our infrastructure, our economy, our capitalist ways of life, and take away our private property.
Get up today, off your posterior posture and go back to work.  Damn those that stand in your way of our getting the United States economically back on track so we can once again win the AWE of the world and the admiration of our non-allies.  Let us take back what is rightfully ours!  Semper Fi!
