During These Trying Times

During These Trying Times.  What do these words mean?  I think it all kind of boils down to:
·         What is right and what is wrong,
·         Who is right and who is wrong,
·         A complete and total intolerance to accept what is ours to fix and how we should go about fixing our current situation; legally.
Some things, to me, that are quite clear is that we (the American People) have all our priorities wrong, we blame everyone else for our faults and shortcomings.  We are too quick to resort to violence and destruction to resolve our problems.  We wait on a liberal government to give us the free stuff so many of us believe we are entitled to.  We allow our liberal government to write and try to enforce those  unconstitutional laws and we the sheeple blindly follow their path until what is illegal is soon accepted as the norm and stands without a legal platform.  We stupidly think that it is okay to riot and loot if we do so because someone was killed by the police.  And, we all now adapt to the new behavior.  Want some examples?  I have two that immediately come to mind:
1.       A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
2.       § 18.2-422 of Virginia State Law states that it shall be unlawful for any person over 16 years of age to wear any mask, hood or other device whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden or covered so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, to be or appear in any public place, or upon any private property in this Commonwealth without first having obtained from the owner or tenant thereof consent in writing so to do. 
Of course, just about everyone can immediately recognize the 1st as being our Constitutional Guarantee via our second amendment to keep and bear arms.  If you do not recognize the second one, do not feel bad; it is Virginia’s State law re: Virginia’s anti mask law and violation of this law is a class 6 felony.
In early 2020 (January), Virginia’s Governor Ralph Northam categorically stated that all residents of Virginia would surrender their weapons to Sheriff’s and the Sheriff’s Deputies would collect those weapons.  This is strictly in violation of our American Constitution.  It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL  to write a law and try to enforce that law if the constitution does not support that law; but, the liberals get away with it because they do not get seriously challenged often enough because too few people know and understand the Constitution of the United States and their own home state’s constitution.  LEARN your constitution and help enforce it!  I will quote my good friend Bob White and say that if you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything.
Northam even wrote an Executive Order during May 2020 requiring Virginians to wear face coverings in public indoor settings to help contain the spread of the novel coronavirus.  Think about it people, COVID19 has been around for about seven months and already five months into COVID19 it became imperative to wear a mask to help prevent the spread of COVID19.  I ain’t buying that!
According to Northam’s Executive Order, a face covering includes anything that covers your nose and mouth, such as a mask, scarf, or bandana.  There are some exclusions and Northam said he did not want people to go to jail, the exemptions include:
·         while eating or drinking;
·         individuals exercising or using exercise equipment;
·         any person who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the face covering without assistance;
·         any person seeking to communicate with the hearing impaired and for which the mouth needs to be visible;
·         when temporary removal of the face covering is necessary to secure government or medical services; and
·         persons with health conditions that prohibit wearing a face covering.
Northam went on to say that nothing in this Order shall require use of a face covering by any person for whom doing so would be contrary to his or her health or safety because of a medical condition.  Any person who declines to wear a face covering because of a medical condition shall not be required to produce or carry medical documentation verifying the stated condition nor shall the person be required to identify the precise underlying medical condition.  Enforcement of Northam’s Executive Order is through Virginia’s Department of Health, not through local established laws.  I suspect Northam knew this law was illegal when he caveated the law to say law enforcement would not enforce this law and that it would be up to Virginia’s Department of Health to enforce this fool’s errand.  Go ahead, read he Executive Order and see just how impossible it is for the Department of Health to enforce this law.
I agree, Black Lives Matter – in fact, all Lives Matter.  No life, despite color, matters more than any other life no matter what the color.  And to say only Black Lives Matter (to me) is Racist unto itself.  And, if you find fault with my way of thinking, you just might be a RACIST.
Where was the outcry during the Armenian Holocaust during which the systemic hatred of Armenians caused mass murder and expulsion of 1.5 million ethnic Armenians carried out by the Armenian government in Turkey and adjoining regions between 1914 and 1923.
Where was the noise when Soviets documented 390,000 deaths during kulak forced resettlement and up to 400,000 deaths of persons deported to forced settlements during the 1940s.  Where was the noise during the Holodomor famine which has been frequently described as a deliberate Terror-Famine campaign organized by Soviet authorities against the Ukrainian.  It resulted in deaths of millions of ethnic Ukrainians because of starvation during peacetime.
Where was the noise anytime any group of Latinos, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and Women, or any group in America was selected to be treated differently because of their race category, nationality, ethnicity, or gender?
Why was there no noise to bring attention to these groups though we fully support the anarchy that continues in Atlanta, Seattle, Portland; and we allowed Soros and his agenda to destroy Baltimore, St. Charles Missouri, and countless other jurisdictions all in the name of liberal justice.
I would think long and hard about supporting any group that wishes to dissolve our Capitalist Ways and turn us toward Socialism or Communism.  I encourage every man and woman registered to vote in the United States to choose wisely and support an agenda that will retain our Capitalist way of life.
Remember these things, figure this out for yourself and do not let outside forces influence your inquiries for the truth;
1.       how strong now is our economy,
2.       how strong now is our dollar against the finances of the world,
3.       how low now is our unemployment rate,
4.       how high now is our employment rate of blacks and women,
5.       how many blacks (percentage wise) does President Trump have on his staff,
6.       how many (percentage wise) did Obama have on his staff,
7.       where are we now headed with equality amongst all people,
8.       how are we doing protecting rights and privileges of American citizens against unlawful exploitation of American’s rights amongst Illegal Immigrant’s, and
9.       who is responsible for all of this?
Hatred of one man and his family (I am talking about our President of these United States and the First Family) is no reason to try to destroy our America.  Get your heads together and help pull us out of the mess we find ourselves in today.
If this does not help, ask yourselves who is trying to thwart all our successes listed in one through nine above.
