There Are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See

There are none so blind as those who will not see (John Heywood)

I have deep concerns for what is going on right now with respect to our overwhelming inclination to allow others to dictate that we do lawless things; and then we do them!  As a country that used to set the standard for all the world to live up to, I am greatly astonished.
I am not just concerned that we the sheeple allow ourselves to be lead around by politicians and lawmakers that tell us to do illegal things of which we wind up doing.  I am appalled by the lies we are told everyday by high ranking officials and we accept these lies as if they are truths.  For example, in the District of Columbia, on 29 July 2020, YouTube host Austen Fletcher, while being interviewed by Ainsley Earnhardt of FOX and Friends said, during a YouTube interview with Democrat Jerrold Nadler, Nadler commented that Antifa violence in Portland is a "myth".[1]  Yet, the Antifa led riot in Portland Oregon has been going on each night and consecutively since the 25th of May 2020.
Depending on what source you believe, Antifa has been around for 90 to 100 years and was quite popular during the 80s.  Antifa did lay dormant for a short period as the 80s ended but once again became quite popular after (then) President Obama was replaced by President Trump.  Antifa uses fascist tactics to achieve its goals.  The Department of Homeland Security labeled Antifa’s actions as “domestic terrorism.”  Antifa uses “black bloc” attacks to promote violence, sow chaos, and evade law enforcement.   The mainstream Left is praising Antifa.  The majority of Antifa members are pitiable losers.  And, Antifa conflates speech with violence, believing that “offensive” rhetoric, “hate” speech, and micro-aggressions should be counteracted with macro-aggressions, or physical violence.[2]
We are in an era of terror.  Terrorist Activity and terror on the streets of our cities.  Terror of holding a job as a first responder for the fear of keeping our family alive and safe.  We are in an era when our liberal minded selves allow mob rule without hesitation and, without delay nor remorse we destroy one another’s lives through wanton disregard of the safety and wellbeing of others while we destroy personal property of others; and looting and rioting in the streets continues to spiral out of control.
According to the top 10 most violent cities in America are:[3]
City and State
Violent Crimes Per $100k
Property Crimes Per $100k
Detroit, MI
Memphis, TN
Birmingham, AL
Baltimore, MD
St. Louis, MO
Kansas City, MO
Cleveland, OH
Little Rock, AK
Milwaukee, WI
Stockholm, CA
I live in Virginia, about 65 miles from the District of Columbia, although both Virginia and Washington DC have anti face mask laws, because of a threat of COVID, each locale has instituted policies to wear masks while in public.  Provisions of anti-mask laws vary considerably by state, some even say anti mask wearing laws are unnecessary.  A sampling of states that have prohibitions on wearing masks in public includes – Alabama, New York, South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina, West Virginia, Louisiana, Minnesota, and of course, Virginia and the District of Columbia.
Washington DC’s law prohibiting wearing masks and hoods § 22–3312.03[4] explains situations in which wearing a mask in public is inappropriate.  Virginia’s law § 18.2-422. Prohibition of wearing of masks in certain places states that to wear a mask in public is a class six felony.[5]  To not wear a mask in public in Virginia is not a violation of Virginia law and enforcement of Virginia’s E.O. 63 is upon the Virginia Department of Health.  Virginia’s E.O. 63 exempts many from having to wear a mask in public and for any person that declines to wear a mask for reasons of a medical condition, there is no requirement to show any form of proof of a medial condition.[6]
The point is, in many cases we are allowing our government to tell us to do illegal things which we do  and in so doing, many things of adverse effect are happening.  Just one among those is that we are losing sight of what is right and wrong.  What is right is that we all must follow the law.  What is wrong is that we allow ourselves to take that road of least resistance and follow the crowd and destroy personal and private and government property all because our liberal leaders allow such lawlessness.  If you want a clear picture of how rampant contempt goes unchecked here in America, just look at a few moments of the Senate tapes during William Barr’s testimony on Capitol Hill Tuesday, 28 July 2020.  Another adverse effect is that we learn to follow blindly those leaders that incline us to violate our laws.  Yet another adverse effect is that with all of the lies being told and given the fact that many do not fact check, we unlearn those laws which we know to be constitutional and instead follow unconstitutional ideals and beliefs.
We are witnessing across America an allowance for violence to be spread across our land because our weak and ineffective leaders are creating chaos and animosity within our own population and those leaders allow the cowardly to wear masks in what has become the first acts of violence committed by masked rioters that are condoned by our weak and ineffective leaders.  Can you not see their wicked agenda?   There are none so blind as those who will not see!
