Wearing Face Masks

Disinformation is circulated in abundance with reference to avoiding spread of COVID-19.  I wish to help clear up some confusion about wearing a face mask but most of the time common sense shall prevail.
As with other aspects of the alleged pandemic, wearing a mask as a facial cover has become a political tool intended to force individual behavior.
Many people do not know this truth but the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and about fifteen other states have laws that prohibit wearing face masks in public.  Here is the Commonwealth of Virginia, from the Code of Virginia under title 18.2 paragraph 422 which in part states it is unlawful for anyone above the age of 16 to wear a mask in public and violation of  this law is punishable as a class 6 felony.  This law was codified over 80 years ago.  More recently, Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia, on 26 May, 2020 signed executive order 63ORDER OF PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY FIVE REQUIREMENT TO WEAR FACE COVERING WHILE INSIDE BUILDINGS.
One study says if you are healthy, all you have to do is wear a mask, another study suggests wearing a mask does not replace the need to social distance.  One study says you only need to wear a mask while you are around people that you do not live with.  So, I have to ask, what if my grandmother lives with me and she has corona virus, do I need a mask, the last study said you do not have to wear a mask if that person lives with you.  Another study says to wear a mask while social distancing.  One study says you should social distance for at least six feet.  Restaurants are required to cut their max capacity in half while social distancing is in effect. One study says two feet are enough for social distancing but six feet are better.  Ten feet are better than six feet but twelve feet is better.  Do you have to wear a mask inside your own car?  Do you have to wear a mask while traveling and you are on U.S. Interstate 10 one hundred seventy-five miles west of El Paso and you are all alone?
While studies of the virus exist showing that a substantial number of individuals with corona virus are asymptomatic and can spread the disease to others without even knowing they themselves are infected with the Corona Virus.
Studies also exist that link wearing a face mask or other face covering to anxiety, headaches, other related health issues such as inhalation of CO2, pleurisy, brain damage, mold in lungs, claustrophobia, heart attacks and related heart disease, as well as other related sicknesses.
Studies suggest the only way to not contract COVID-19 is to completely isolate yourself from others - for all times.  Wearing a respirator is perhaps your best bet when wearing a mask but a cloth or paper mask or a face shield do nothing to prevent you from coming in contact with COVID-19, it only protects others from your splatter when you cough or sneeze and fail to cover your cough or sneeze.
While Northam’s executive order states the Virginia Department of Health shall have authority to enforce his Order (E.O. 63), it also states any willful violation or refusal, failure, or neglect to comply with this Order, issued pursuant to § 32.1-13 of the Code of Virginia, is punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor.  This statement renders his executive order inert for the following reasons:
·         Virginia’s Department of Health cannot enforce penal code (in other words, the Department of Health cannot enforce the law; they are not law enforcement officers),
·         § 32.1-13 of the Code of Virginia states that The Board may make separate orders and regulations to meet any emergency, not provided for by general regulations, and
·         the Code of Virginia under title 18.2 paragraph 422 states it is unlawful for anyone above the age of 16 to wear a mask in public and to violate this law is punishable as a class 6 felony.
The last statement from above is perhaps the most important.  It is unconstitutional for anyone to make or try to enforce a law that the constitution does not support.  All laws not supported by the code of Virginia are not enforceable.
The vocabulary from above which states is punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor only means it can carry the same penalty such as up to $2500 fine or up to a year in jail, or a combination of the both, BUT, you cannot go to jail for not committing a crime AND not wearing a mask is not a criminal offense.  Ostensibly, the only thing someone could find you guilty of is not committing a class six felony.  By the way, a class six felony is a higher crime than a class one misdemeanor.
What is this all about?  As long as we the sheeple blindly follow the lead of a liberal government that tries to enforce unconstitutional law, the liberals have we the sheeple doing exactly what the liberals want.  If they can get us to think like them, then they have mind control over us.  Right now, and in the recent past we have masked faced rioters in the street rioting with their faces disguised to make themselves unrecognizable to police.  Since the police cannot identify and capture the offender, we cannot recover damages suffered under the lawless activities of the masked rioter, nor can they be punished.
One fact remaining, we will not be successful at reopening our country as long as everyone wants to wear a mask.  Another fact that remains, most people cannot earn a wage as long as they remain isolated in their home.  Small businesses are closing all over America because they cannot stand the lack of income and maintain open store fronts.
GOD Bless America and let’s get her back on her feet by reopening our places of education, places of worship, and places of business.
