All you can do is warn them, if they do not listen, move on and warn others. Anonymous.

During its peak here in the United States there were approximately 74,354 confirmed cases COVID19 in the United States on 19 July 2020.  In less than two months on 16 August 2020 the United States reported only 55,319; a drop in confirmed cases of 19035 cases; nearly a 26% drop. [1]

This stat alone goes a long way to dispel claims that American hospitals and their staff are overwhelmed by COVID 19.  And, with reduced confirmed cases this should soon mean that Americans can get back to work and back to school and back to collegian sports and back to going about our business as Americans and somewhat back to as normal of life style as possible .

From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, our Communicable Disease Center (CDC) estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus.[2]  If you recall, other than business as normal there was merely mention of this H1N1 as we went about our daily routines and normal ways of life.  There was minimal restriction of travel and no businesses and no schools were closed due to H1N1.

New word in America – demand.  Democratic congressional leaders make demands on capitalist conservatives.  BLM demands reparations be paid to blacks, store owners demand you wear masks in their store or you do not receive service.  Cortez and the so called team and Sanders demand we do not allow American citizens to return to the United States if they are abroad and test positive for COVID19 while at the same time they demand that illegals that enter America ILLEGALLY be allowed to stay in America and receive free COVID19 treatment.  Sanctuary communities demand that law enforcement be impeded in their attempts to arrest illegals for being in this country illegally.  Those same people demand we get rid of farting cows to keep our green planet green.  The global cattle population amounted to about 989.03 million head in 2019, down from over one billion cattle in 2014.  When I was looking at the world population clock this morning at about 1025 (17 August 2020) the world’s population was at about 7,805,564,800 people.  So, I guess you could guestimate that flatulent cattle are outnumbered by flatulent people by about 7 to 1.  Why are we scared?

I will tell you what scares me; it is the unknown.  And, what I do not know nor do I understand is how the greatest nation in the world, one that was once mightily revered as the most powerful nation in the world, fall from its grace in this world?

It seems to me that we are too eager to embrace a nation wherein so many want to deprive our American citizens what we worked so very hard for, and for so many years, to build a rich and mighty nation, a new generation has come along and cannot seem to spend our plenty quick enough.  We swallow hook line and sinker anything we are told without challenge.

As a nation, we accept at face value just about anything that is said on mainstream media.  I suppose that is partially because we trust so many people during our life that we really do not want to believe that someone would be untruthful to us.  The opposite is indeed what you have to worry about and it is because people will tell us with so much enthusiasm really wild and exotic untruths as if they are from the gospel.  Well, facts check!  If you are uncertain of how-to facts check – ask me and I will be happy to assist you in your facts checking.  We have been facts checking for over 300 years.  Do you know what we did before we knew about facts checking?  This is for my Marine Brethren and Sisters; before facts check was “tell it to the Marines”.  The written origin of this is attributed to published use of the phrase in 1804 in John Davis's novel The Post Captain[3].  Although the phrase may not be so true as it once was, it still holds true that you just cannot believe everything that you hear.

Believing just about everything you hear might also be attributed to a fact that we are all so very busy, we really do not have time to research each and every bit of news we are exposed to so we consider the source and if the news source seems like a trusted source, we tend to believe it.  It was in the news; it must be true; right!?

Sources for facts checking include, PolitiFact,, and Hoax Slayer.  Although I have never used Hoax Slayer, I have used all the others and I will say that recently I became jaded about snopes because of the divorce of its married owners and the eventual sale of half the company-the jury is still out with me on just how unbiased some of can be.

One way to facts check is just ask the person what their source is, you can always check their source for accurate reporting.  Who knows, maybe they just did interpret correctly what they thought they had read.

Be wary of previous sources that you always knew to be trusted source.  Some of those trusted sources may have changed.  I will caution you about George Soros and his Open Society Foundation (OSF) and how the OSF has purchased much of the media in the free world.  OSF is a liberal foundation and as such might put a politically left spin on their version of what the news is.

In closing, do not be too eager to take at face value everything you hear.  Get the truth and allow the truth to help you vote for the right person this November 3rd.  Semper Fi.




