I like to start my blogs off with a definition or two so you get an idea where I am going with the blog.  The words I want to define here today are from our title, desensitized and delusional.

Desensitized in psychiatry is a behavior modification technique.  My belief is those socialists that want to take over America are desensitizing us as a means of mind control.

Thanks to our socialist left and their way to define the new normal, we accept that illegal and riotous behavior and destruction of private and personal property and murder is our new normal.  We accept this behavior from people like Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and the New Black Panther Party, and when  the crowd disorder is carried out under the cover of darkness in the name of some high profile case of cop killing blacks, etc.

Dilusional in Psychiatry is maintaining fixed false beliefs even when confronted with facts.

Thanks to Vicky Osterweil’s book In Defense of Looting we accept the delusional belief that looting and destruction of private and personal property and rioting is a way to release tension and when deaths result, they are dealt with as though they are collateral damage.  The only ones held responsible are those police officers that kill a black man; and that is even rare.  Let me give you some examples.


Synopsis of the Case


Criminal Charges

Michael Brown

A Black teen killed by a white police officer in Ferguson MO in 2014.

$1.5 Million


Eric Garner

A black man who died after repeatedly crying I can’t breathe while in a chokehold by a New York City cop during an attempted arrest in 2014.

$5.9 Million


Tamir Rice

A 12 year old black boy who was holding a toy gun was shot and killed by a Cleveland OH police officer in 2014.

$6 Million


Freddie Gray

A black man who died after he sustained injuries while in  handcuffs and leg irons,  and thrown into the back of a Baltimore MD police van in 2015.

$6.4 Million

The six officers criminally charged in Gray’s death were acquitted or the charges were dropped.

Philando Castile

A black man shot and killed during a 2016 traffic stop in a St. Paul MN suburb after telling police he had a gun in the vehicle.

Close to $3 Million.

A jury acquitted the officer on charges of felony manslaughter and reckless discharge of a firearm.

Stephon Clark

An unarmed black man killed by Sacramento CA police in 2018 after police officers chased him into his grandmother’s back yard.

Clark’s two children each received $1.2 Million each, claims made by other family members are pending.


I bet you have heard all about these high profile cases, been all over the news and perhaps hundreds of billions of dollars have been paid in reparations for destroyed private and personal property.

Ever heard of Cannon Hinnant or Darius Nathaniel Sessoms, how about Aolani Takemi Marie Pettit.  Perhaps not because five year old Cannon Hinnant, a white boy, was killed by 25 year old Darius Nathanile Sessoms, a black man, and 21 year old Aolani Takemi Marie Pettit, a black woman, was Sessoms’ accomplice?  Police reported Cannon was outside on his bike, with his sisters, who were 8 and 7 at the time of Cannon’s murder.  Authorities alleged Sessoms exited his residence (from across the street) and walked up to Cannon, pointed a gun at the boy's head, pulled the trigger, and killed Cannon.

How about Kate Steinle or Jose Ines Garcia Zarte.  Kate Steinle, a white woman, was shot and killed on San Francisco’s pier number fourteen by Garcia Zarte.  Did I mention that San Francisco is a sanctuary city?  Garcia Zarate, a repeat drug felon from Mexico, had been deported multiple times prior to the shooting and was released from custody April 2015. All charges were dropped against Garcia Zarte.  Where was the noise for Cannon Hinnant and Kate Steinle?  How about some justice for their families?  And, there are hundreds like Cannon and Kate that you do not hear about as well.  Hundreds!

Riots moved into PA 27 October 2020.  As we sat down at FOX and Friends on 28 October with Steve, Ainsley, and Brian we were greeted with the fact that last night riots and looting broke out in the streets of Philadelphia to protest yet another police officer killing a black and the city turned to rioting and looting.  All the murders, killings, riots, and looting have left our nation desensitized, after all, (it seems only) black lives matter.  ALL LIVES MATTER and nothing in this United States of America can justify illegal behavior condoned by our far left while all we can do as a country is sit back and watch the illegal behavior being condoned by our socialist left is carried out while rioters and looters commit their crimes usually under the cover of darkness and usually wearing a face mask.

A really cool thing happened this morning while watching FOX and Friends, I caught just a few minutes of Tucker Carlson interviewing a guy named Tony Bobulinski and I found the entire interview and watched it; just a little over fifty minutes in length.  In case you have not heard of it and if you are interested just type the guy’s name into google and watch the interview.  Hurry, do not wait for disinformation sanctioned by our socialist zealots to censor it out of mainstream media.  The interview is about alleged Biden financial dealings with foreign governments, many of those governments sanction socialist and communist governments.  Bobulinski mentioned a Senatorial investigation which I looked up; I would like to share just a little with you.  Have no worries, I will reference that particular investigation as a footnote so you can look it up for yourself.

In late 2013 and into 2014, mass protests erupted in Kyiv, Ukraine, demanding integration into western economies and an end to systemic corruption that had plagued the country. At least 82 people were killed during the protests, which culminated on Feb. 21 when Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych abdicated by fleeing the country.  Less than two months later, over the span of only 28 days, significant events involving the Bidens unfolded.

Hunter Biden was paid as much as $50,000 per month to serve on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian natural gas company with a corrupt owner, while his father was the public face of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy.  But Burisma was not the only example of Hunter Biden seeking to monetize his family name. During the course of our investigation, Chairman Grassley and Chairman Johnson uncovered additional examples of Hunter Biden, other family members, and their business associates pursuing financial arrangements with foreign nationals in various parts of the world.

You might find the rest of that report of the Senate’s investigation extra ordinarily interesting as well, its about 87 pages in length but well worth the read I think.

Per my usual, I have exceeded my self-imposed word limit, thank you for seeing it through to the end.  Please feel free to contact me here if you have questions or comments; GOD Bless.
