What Is the Truth


A definition of TRUTH: the quality or state of being true.

An example of the truth is 2+2=4.

Truth in the Bible can be found in the 38th verse in chapter 18 of the Gospel of John in the New Testament of Christian Bible.

Truth in Media can be a controversial topic; and Truth in Media is a website owned and operated by Benjamin Swann.  Swann’s quest for honesty in media led him to create this fact checking source but won him a title of conspirator rather than a title of one that reports the news based upon upholding integrity and impartiality.

Here in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the fact is that in Chapter 18.2 of the Code of Virginia under its subsection 422 (§ 18.2-422) Prohibits wearing face masks in public for persons over 16 years old.  The fact is any violation of any provisions of this section is a Class 6 felony.  The fact is that wherever you go in this United States of America, the law on wearing face masks or face coverings in public could change based upon what jurisdiction you are in.  Another fact is that Governor Ralph Northan signed executive order 63 (signed 26 May 2020 and became effective 29 May 2020) Requirement to Wear Face Covering While Inside Buildings.  Enforcement of this executive order is incumbent upon the Virginia Department of Health – not the Police Department.

I am not attempting to downplay the potentiality of a serious and dangerous virus such as COVID and that we are all responsible to prevent and mitigate the spread of COVID and other diseases; having said all that, here is where the gray area occurs for me.  How can anyone at any level of government make a serious attempt to enforce an agenda that is not consistent with the constitution of their state?

I understand because of the Supremacy Clause (Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the United States Constitution) state’s constitutions do not supersede the Constitution of the United States.  I also feel that this is not a matter about what is the law; I feel that this is a matter about who can make you voluntarily violate our Constitutional Law.

This is just my opinion but I think upholding integrity and impartiality ranks high on the list of mankind’s greatest accomplishments on this planet.  When we choose to ignore the truth, we soon begin to ignore reality.  Reality is that which is, while truth is that which has ever, is, and will ever be.

In Northam’s executive order 63 paragraph D addresses Exceptions and states The requirement to wear a face covering does not apply to following: (and the following includes under numbered exception 6)

Persons with health conditions that prohibit wearing a face covering.  Nothing in this Order shall require the use of a face covering by any person for whom doing so would be contrary to his or her health or safety because of a medical condition.

Furthermore, paragraph D of Northam’s executive order 63 states Any person who declines to wear a face covering because of a medical condition shall not be required to produce or carry medical documentation verifying the stated condition nor shall the person be required to identify the precise underlying medical condition.  Yet, what do we have?

We have a liberal agenda that attempts to cancel culture America’s capitalist views and our agenda through misinformation and fake news.  For example, since Donald Trump’s becoming President of the United States, there has been an element of our society that has claimed a Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).  Imagine – if you will – a group of psychologist gathers annually to update their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, and in doing so (eventually) quantify and qualify symptoms of TDS and recommend treatment for and vaccines against TDS.  If that happened, one could actually claim to have TDS, be diagnosed as having TDS because they exhibit all the known symptoms (which are claimed to be irrevocable), and because those symptoms can never be reversed, now that person has a lifetime claim to TDS; AND, their case of TDS is so severe that it is debilitating.  Now, this person can retire with 100% eligibility to all benefits available for TDS.

If you think that is a far-fetched and ludicrous hypothesis, imagine a world wherein you can be told you must commit a felony in order to gather acceptance in our community.  We need to get back to work America!  We need to quit the scare tactics being employed all around us and get back to some kind of normal.

Never mind that cloth and paper face coverings (just about what unemployed and unpaid people in America can afford) are not as effective as the more expensive surgical masks.  Never mind that many people that wear face coverings wear the same mask day in and day out without properly cleaning and maintaining their masks or face coverings.  Never mind there is an element of our population that physically cannot wear a mask.  The fact is those people are out there and exist and sometimes demonized for their lack of enthusiasm to violate the conditions of a class six felony.  What really matters is that in our current state of disinformation, fake news, cancel culture, and fear of contagion, we must wear a mask solely for the fact that we must comply with a liberal hate culture that will do anything to get their agenda pushed forward.

Look at all the riots that have crossed America.  Most (if not all) of these riots had a certain few that have worn face masks and face coverings during their commission of a crime.  In many jurisdictions, that is against the law, yet we allow illegal activity to continue because we as a country lack what it takes to thwart this behavior.  Get out and vote!  While you are exercising your right to elect a government make certain that you do not vote in the wrong government that wants to take away your right to elect a government.  Be wary of those that promise free stuff for everybody.  Know that whatever you get for free, somebody else had to pay for.  Know also, failure to enforce a constitution removes entitlements to right and our rights that are guaranteed to us come to us from our GOD via our Constitution and once we lose those guaranteed rights, we become a mere shell with no rights guaranteed.  When that happens, what is next?  If you will indulge me just one more thought, my old Marine buddy Bob White said time and time again that if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.  Thank you Bob for allowing me to steal that quote.
