Take America Back


Take Back America

Before a momentous event occurs (such as an American Revolution that will Take Back America), there are numerous possibilities that need to be presented and different ways events can unfold.  After those numerous possibilities present themselves and the events unfold, all appears inevitable.  There is no better time than now to Take Back America from the radical liberal leftist socialistic communists that appears hell bent on destroying our country and our economy.  If we do not Take Back America, we might not be able later to Take Back America.

There are several things that must happen before a revolution will occur.  First, there is tremendous economic inequality.  Second, there is a profound belief that the ruling class lines their own pockets at the expense of everyone else.  This undermines a belief that inequalities will ever be addressed by the political elite.  Third there is a rise of political alternatives that were barely acceptable in the margins of society before.  There are more, but this is not supposed to be a recipe for a revolution, only a statement of if certain criteria are not met then there most likely will be a second revolution in this United States of America.

In order to Take Back America the immediate and first step should be to reopen America.  Not only will reopening America help boost our economy, it will also help restore confidence in ourselves.

Keeping our economy closed and allowing the government to arbitrarily and without the authority of our constitution put in place restrictions on where we can and cannot go and where we can and cannot worship and when and where we can and cannot work, etc., is all about government control over legal citizens.  Allowing our government to make wide spread changes at their will and without authority vested in our constitution is also about control.  We as citizens of the United States of America should never be under tyrannical and absolute unconstitutional control of our government.

I agree with you that not everything you see on Facebook is true - but - I also have to say that not everything you see on Facebook is false.  I saw two posts this morning which inspired me.  Although I am not here today to ignite a revolution, both posts rang a bell of truth which I hope resonates as loudly for you as they both did for me.

The first inspirational post I came across on Facebook this morning was Take Back Everything.  You name it and I can assuredly state that some radical liberal leftist socialistic communists somewhere has attacked that right or privilege or guarantee.  Let me give you just a few examples.

Early on in President Trump’s administration Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D) California, told a group of supporters to find Trump officials at restaurants, clothing stores, and gas stations, and to form a group and push back on them and tell them they are not welcomed there.  And though Blazing Saddles (not Nietzsche) taught us that out of chaos comes order, this kind of chaos is not only unconstitutional, it is an extreme agitator to incite riotous behavior.

Just exactly how safe do you feel walking around the grocery store wearing your mask following arrows pasted on the floor?  That too is all about governmental control of legal citizens of America.

The National Firearms Act (NFA) currently imposes a $200 tax on persons and companies that manufacture or transfer certain types of firearms (e.g. short barreled rifles, and machine guns).  In addition, under Biden’s plan, all semi-automatic firearms and magazines that hold eleven or more rounds of ammunition will be registered under the NFA.  Each item requires a $200 tax to register.  The total above is how much you will be charged to keep firearms and accessories you already own.

If President Trump fails to provide sufficient information to prove voter fraud during the 2020 National Election, President-elect Joe Biden’s choice for Health and Human Services Secretary is California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra.  I consider that choice namby-pamby at best; and totally unproductive for our health healing of America and a great leap backwards toward Obama Care.

The Pineapple Hill Grill & Saloon in Hollywood CA bar owner claims Mayor Eric Garcetti shut down the outdoor patio at her business – all the while allowing a Hollywood movie crew to set up and operate an outdoor dining area on the next door property across the street.  Earning and spending are not chief aims of human existence; but a sound economic basis for person, family, and the nation is highly desirable.  While the employees of the Pineapple Hill Grill & Saloon are not allowed to work and make money to pay bills to maintain status quo within the fiduciary community, the movie businesses outdoor dining property remains open and a lucrative operation.

Beginning in mid-April 2020, there were protests in several U.S. states against government-imposed lockdowns in response to the COVID-19 plandemic in the United States.  Those protests continue.  We suffered this plandemic shutdown for nearly eight months across the nation, we have also suffered riots and looting across America with little to no outcry of foul play because we are allowing those radical liberal leftist socialistic communists to justify looting and rioting.  We have little to no police support because we have allowed those same radical liberal leftist socialistic communists to defund our police and place unconstitutional restrictions not only on our police but on entire communities as well.

Marc Siegel, MD - is a practicing internist boarded in Internal Medicine, and based in New York City.  In a FOX and Friends OP/ED on this Pearl Harbor day 2020 stated as an example that in Japan during this year’s COVID shut down more suicides were committed than all the COVID related deaths in Japan for the year.  We must end the shutdown here in America before we find ourselves reaching the same statistics Japan is demonstrating during their COVID related business shutdowns.

The second inspirational post I came across on Facebook this morning was The Founding Fathers Would Be Shooting by Now.  I just wanted to say thank you to my friend from the 28th state for starting my morning off so vigorously with her two posts; thanks Janice!
