COVID 19 in America


This COVID scare must end and it is up to us individually and collectively to make that happen.

This morning when I got on my social media, I saw a post that I wish I had saved.  The post was all about COVID 19 and just how easy it was to scare all of the Sheeple of Liberalism.  I really wish I had saved the post as it was revealing about some of the many fears we associate with the Corona Virus.

Let me start by telling you what a coronavirus is.  Coronaviruses are a group of related RNA viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds.  In humans and birds, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal.  Mild illnesses in humans include some cases of the common cold (which is also caused by other viruses, predominantly rhinoviruses), while more lethal varieties can cause SARSMERS, and COVID-19.  In cows and pigs they cause diarrhea, while in mice they cause hepatitis and encephalomyelitis.

The post I saw this morning told about how easy it was to dupe the citizens of America.  All that had to happen was the Liberal Government of America had to tell us that our chance of surviving this disease was over 99% recovery but we have to stay inside and wear a mask everywhere we go and not celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas; unless we are a Democrat, then it is all right to have group gatherings.  We also fell to fault when it was all right to protest and riot and burn and loot without a mask but we have to wear a mask to the local grocery store and to church in order to protect ourselves and others in the center of this heinous disease from which we have a greater chance than 99% of recovery.

Let me tell you what our acceptance of this COVID lockdown has done for us.  Physical abuse is on the rise, alcohol consumption is up 20% to over 50% depending on what your alcohol of choice is.  We all have anger issues – a response to my blog of 7 December 2020 resulted in Torry Riches of Reno Nevada telling me I am either a liar or a pussy.  Not certain what his anger was.  My answer was we are what we eat.  Think about it!

We all suffer from anxiety.  We have lost control – we can no longer make an adult decision based upon our own decision making process but we have to abide by what the fearful citizens want.  I have personally been refused services and treatment based upon my reticence to wear a mask.  Let me tell you my two fold reason to choose to not wear a mask.  Number one, in the commonwealth of Virginia it is a class six felony to wear a mask.  Number two, our governor, Ralph Northam (also a physician) wrote an executive order that says if you have a health reason to not wear a mask, then do not wear that mask.  There is a third reason but I really do not have an idea what to call this reason other than it is stupid to blindly follow someone else’s idea of where you should go and how we should get there.  Perhaps it is better that I give you an example here.  During August 2020 I was at the Purvis Ford Dealer here in Fredericksburg VA getting a Virginia state inspection on my 2018 Ford Edge.  They at Purvis wanted me to wear a mask to support Virginia’s Executive Order 61.  I had no idea of what Virginia’s Executive Order 61 was but I did know that Virginia’s Executive Order 63 was relative to wearing a face mask in public, so I opted to not wear a mask.  When I got home, I looked up Virginia’s Executive Order 61.  It had something to do with being able to drink alcoholic beverages in an outdoor restaurant and nothing to do with wearing a face covering in public; and it expired the previous June.  I called Purvis’ manager and he told me Ford Corporate Office sent them information on Virginia’s Executive Order 61.  WTH do they know?

My story is to do your own homework.  Do not let someone else tell you what to do.  Find your Conservative Spine and stand against these sheeple that want to follow radical leftist socialist communism to the destruction of our country.  Reclaim America and let’s open this place up to business for all.  I really hate that Lowes and Home Depot and Giant Foods and Walmart and all the Mega Corporates etc., are allowed to maintain regular business hours but our gyms and mom and pops diners and so many other small businesses are suffering with heavy sanctions regarding shutdown and lockdown requirements on the not Mega Corporations.  How is it safer in a Home Depot or a Walmart than it is safe to be in a place of small business?

Other issues we deal with daily include fear of the unknown.  What exactly will I feel should I contract COVID19.  We are lashing out at complete strangers.  Our country suffers widespread poverty, we are reluctance to get back to work, risks of suicide increases, and we have undue stress on our personal  relationships.

We need to get America opened back up or our 2021 will be no better than our 2020, and I think none of us are prepared for that.  We need to open up our economy before we fall into the HELL our socialistic/communistic liberal left government has in store for us.

There has been an effort to defund hospitals since at least 30 March 2020.  What kind of insanity is that?
