Socialism in America

With today’s uncertainties in our political situation there should be a lot on our minds. 

I have always thought of myself as somewhat of a rationalist.  Having said that, there are some realities along with some speculations with which we will all have to deal.

If Biden is sworn in as president of the United States, the top three political officials in America will be Biden, Harris, and Pelosi.  All three Democrats with a clear agenda that leans far to the left.

With that consideration, exactly how long do you really think that Biden will serve as our President of the United States?  Can you imagine a term in office with Harris President and Pelosi Vice President?  Have you even thought about it?  Can you imagine the damage those two ladies can do?  To whom do they owe favors?  The top five for each include:

Contribution From

US dollars to Harris

US Dollars to Pelosi

Plumbers/Pipefitters Union



Bad Robot  Productions



Seafarers International Union



United Food & Commercial Workers Union



Walt Disney Co



University of California



Kaiser Permanente



Alphabet Inc



Microsoft Corp



That is nearly a quarter of a million dollars of payback should they both wind up in the white house.  And that does not even count how much Biden got to not campaign.  Given the speculation of irregularities in voting and with the alleged fraud during the election count.  Oh, did you notice Walt Disney contributed to both?  In fact, I will give you a list of the top contributors to Biden’s campaign, this list includes the organization, their subsidiaries, and their affiliates:


Amount in U.S. Dollars

Alphabet Inc


University of California


US Government


Microsoft Corp



Apple Inc.


Kaiser Permanente


Facebook Inc.


AT&T Inc (one of AT&Ts largest shareholders  is Carlos Slim, a Mexican Billionaire)


Stanford University


State if California


Walt Disney


Wells Fargo


Harvard University


US Department of Defense


IBM Corp


City of New York, NY


Comcast Corp


JPMorgan Chase and Co


Columbia University


Looks like a lot of payback expected.  In fact, 69 year old Robert Iger, the CEO of Walt Disney has already said he will accept a seat in Biden’s cabinet if one is offered.

Worried about socialism?  Did you know that India, Israel, and the United Kingdom have all tried socialism after World War II and all have rejected socialism?

Did you know that socialism has absolutely failed each and every time it has been tried in all countries of the world that have tried socialism?

Biden has promised the left he will adopt more socialistic ways once sworn in as president.  Goals of a socialistic government include the government owning all of the property, ruling over poverty stricken constituents, redistribution of wealth, and open borders.

Read my blog from 01042021 wherein I told you of ten Executive Orders through which the United States government can seize private property; and those were signed in 1962 by then President JF Kennedy.  Can you imagine how many have been signed since?  If you want an idea, in the back of my book More Than Don’t Let ‘em Win I list a lot more than just ten ways and I can promise you once the government takes away your property, there is little to none that you can do to get it back.  If you are interested in purchasing a signed copy of that book, or any of my books, you can order them through my website which is and you can always write me personally at and reference this blog and I can tell you how to get a discount on your purchase; I promise I will respond to your email.

Biden has promised to forgive student loan debt.  That is about $1.5 trillion.  Who do you think will wind up absorbing that debt?  If you guessed each and every tax payer in America you might be right.

Below I have inserted a screen shot from early evening 6 January 2021. It tells you how far in debt the United States is and how much each taxpayer’s personal share is of that total amount.  I can only think of one reason for figuring out the debt per taxpayer and that would be because one day the US Government will ask each and every one of us to pay our share in full.  How do you like socialism now?  Guess what!  When you cannot come up with the money, they will seize your property.  Once the government seizes everyone’s property, then that debt will be forgiven; and you are penniless.  The good news is that all of us will pay the same without regard to how much property we have.  I figure your fair share will zero out your account.  You can see those “then” totals were 27 trillion, 760 Billion, 325 Million, 306 thousand 749 dollars or 222 thousand, 190 dollars per taxpayer.  WTH?!

Biden said back in April he would seek to lower the eligibility age for Medicare to 60 years old vice the current 65 year age requirement.  If that happens, how much more quickly do you imagine social security will dry up?  You better keep that job unless you are independently wealthy.

General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev of the USSR took command of a bankrupt disintegrating empire.  After 70 years of Marxism, Soviet farms were unable to feed the people, factories failed to meet their quotas, people lined up for blocks in Moscow and other cities to buy bread and other necessities, and a war in Afghanistan dragged on with no end in sight of the body bags of young Soviet soldiers.  The Soviet Union walked away from its socialistic ways and down came the Iron Curtain.

I could keep going but all of this is darkening my mood.  Good luck to all of you in this year of our LORD 2021.  Kindest Regards and GOD Bless.

Dave Vesser
