What We Accept - What We Reject


We have transformed ourselves from a society of Industrial Giants into a nation of cancel culture; of finger pointing blamers who accept ideas that everything should be free and provided to us by our liberal government.  Well, ladies and gentlemen; nothing is free.  The idea that one can get something for free is as old as socialism itself.

We accept fake news and are too lazy or unaware of how to personally fact check a liberal rhetoric that is changing us from a nation of capitalists into a nation that stands upon the peak of that slippery slope where if we lean too far to the left, we will fall into the bog of socialism.  We allow the lies of the press to form our opinions.  We allow liberal rhetoric to form our thoughts and beliefs and we allow others to influence decisions to change our Constitution of the United States of America and ultimately replace our Constitutional Law with International Law.  When we allow replacement of Constitutional Law with International Law there will be no Bill of Rights, when we allow Constitutional Law to be replaced with International law, there will be no more rights of the American citizen.  When we allow our Constitutional Law to be replaced by International Law it will not be a quiet and peaceful process carried out in the halls of justice by our lawmakers, I foresee that our Constitutional Law (when replaced by International law) will be done because WE the People wish to remain ignorant about to where our liberal government and their idea of turning the United States into a socialistic nation is taking us.  I foresee that when our Constitutional Law is replaced by International Law, it most likely will be done because our socialistic government will invite the United Nations into the United States of America to reform our country’s legal system.  Many things will then take place; of those things that will happen include, but are not limited to:

·         China will send in troops to establish martial law right here in our own back yards and Chinese troops will maintain peace in the streets of America, [1]

·         There will be a redistribution of wealth from the masses of our population to those that have been elevated to elite status, and

·         Fear of falling into poverty amongst the masses in America will cause us to accept socialism which will indeed fail and most certainly will drive this great nation into poverty.

Our heads will be filled with ideas such as – for example - in Portland Maine, the poverty wage for 1 adult with 2 children is $9 per hour.  The state’s minimum wage is $10 and the living wage is estimated to be at approximately $29 per hour.  The Personal Care and Service industries in Maine, which represents a large part of unskilled employment, is at or below the poverty level at an average of $23,288 annual income for an adult with 2 children.  The required annual income for this demographic is estimated to be $59,101 before taxes.  Figures don’t lie but liars do figure Percy F. Vesser circa 1910-1974.  An attempt to augment salaries will force an acceptance of a universal basic income from our government.  The only problem I see with a universal basic income is that a universal basic income has never been successful anywhere in the world.

An idea of a universal basic income is no new idea, Thomas Paine proposed that a "groundrent" of £15 be paid to every individual upon turning 21years of age, followed by £10 every year after turning 50.  He argued that every person, rich or poor, should receive the payments to prevent invidious distinctions.  For those of you that are as curious as me, £10 in 1795 is equivalent to approximately £1,210.90 in today’s economy and £15 is equivalent to about £1816.35 in today’s economy.

Most of us fall into just a few different categories which include either:

·         We do not care or do not believe a change from capitalism to socialism is imminent,

·         Choose to ignore the signs that point to socialism, or

·         Are just not aware enough to spot the signs that point toward the United States approaching this imminent change into socialism.

If you feel you belong in the latter bulleted item above, please contact someone that can help you spot telltale signs, please find someone that can help you get to know and understand those signs and help you to gain knowledge of how to avoid socialism.  If you do not think you know anyone that can help you then please feel free to either go to me website and read my blogs and books at www.dcvesser.com or send me a personal email at dave@dcvesser.com and ask me questions; I will answer you to the absolute best of my ability.

What we reject is a fact that nothing is free, anything said to be free is paid for from the coffers of the American taxpayer.  Over the years we have fought and struggled to maintain our freedom while earning a reasonable wage.  We have rejected a possibility that racism and acts of hate against various races was on the downturn until racial hatred was accepted by liberalism and so called liberal tolerance has:

·         Justified looting,

·         Decriminalized or legalized drugs in many states with a promise to do so federally,

·         Give participation trophies, and

·         Convinced many that cancel culture and hate are accepted methods to convert America from capitalism to socialism.

We have come a long way and fought many hard wars to ensure our way of life.  Some stats[2] calculate that since 1775 there have been over 666,441 deaths in the United States due to combat here in America and there have been over 1,498,240 American military personnel wounded during the same time frame.  Let’s not allow all that suffering be for naught.  GOD Bless!
