Dictator or Democrat

Presidents create many documents to issue orders and make announcements. These presidential actions can include executive orders (EOs), presidential memoranda (PM), and proclamations (PROCs).  But, there should be a limit!

Like both legislative statutes and regulations promulgated by government agencies, EOs, PM, and PROCs are subject to judicial review and may be overturned if the orders lack support by statute or the Constitution.  This judicial review rarely occurs!

Where are the checks and balances?  One reason a president uses an executive order rather than the normal process of putting a bill through congress and the senate is to remove those checks and balances and to otherwise keep the average citizen out of the loop so to speak and content references might not be necessarily reviewed for Constitutional backing; a slight of hand in politics which allows for more corruption in our government system.  Executive orders also allow for hidden agendas to be pushed without benefit of the “sounding board” affect that congress and the senate generally allows.

On October 15th 2020 Biden said Trump was ruling like a dictator with all the executive orders Trump passed while he was president.  Trump signed only 220 EOs during four years in the white house or fifty-five per year.  Biden has already passed forty-five during his first nine days in office.  Sorry for such a wordy blog, there is just so much to go over and I took explanations down to the bone so to speak on all  EOs, PMs and PROCs.  If you have specific questions or concerns, please write me at dave@dcvesser.com; I am no attorney, but I will do my best to help you understand.  After all – this is the prudent person principle, right!?  While you are going through the EOs, PMs, and PROCs, try to imagine why he is choosing his topics for each to tie up nicely in an EO, a PM, or a PROC, and not taking these specific somewhat controversial topics to the floors of Congress and the Senate.  Could it possibly be the specific wording he wants to have in the document or a possibility that these documents would not make it to his office without Congress’ or the Senates’ word smithing”?  Or, do all these Eos, PMs, and PROCs tied specifically to a dictator’s specific agenda?

Herein I have attempted to encapsulate Biden’s Executive Orders, Memorandums, and Proclamations (which total about 45 in all) during Biden’s first nine days in the White House.  Keep in mind, these memorandums, executive orders, and proclamations support a cancel culture agenda and do not create an atmosphere of cohesion between liberal tolerance and capitalistic agenda.  Roll up your pant legs cuz it gets a little deep in some places.  Keep informed and help to thwart this cancel culture attempt to recreate history the way the liberals would have you remember history.  Somewhat a long and arduous read, I feel it a worthwhile read to catch up with Biden Trivia.


Memorandum freezing approval of rules passed in final days of Trump presidency

All new and pending rules passed in the last days of Trump’s tenure will be reviewed by department and agency heads.  (Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?)

Executive order rejoining the Paris Agreement on climate change

Recommits the U.S. back into the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Executive order to promote racial equity

Reallocates resources to advance equity for all.

Proclamation ending ban on U.S. entry from majority-Muslim countries

Forced Tolerance.

Executive order requiring mask-wearing on federal property

Mandates mask-wearing and social distancing on all federal properties, the president lacks authority to institute a nationwide mask mandate, but this order encourages masking across America.  (Forced Tolerance?!)

Executive order coordinating a government-wide COVID-19 response

Creates the position of COVID-19 response coordinator.  (Is this a political position?)

Executive order revising immigration enforcement policies

This order actually enforces unconstitutional sanctuary laws.

Executive order undoing regulatory restrictions on federal agencies

This order supports cancel culture of the Trump-era Presidency.

Executive order incorporating undocumented immigrants into census

Undocumented immigrants will be counted, note that political districts at the federal, state, and local levels are drawn up based upon population data.

Executive order refocusing on the climate crisis and canceling the Keystone XL permit

Revokes the Keystone XL pipeline — a 1,200-mile pipeline system projected to carry crude oil from Canada to the U.S.  This act alone cost tens of thousands of jobs across America.

Executive order banning discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation

Forces acceptance of gender behavior.

Memorandum revamping regulatory review

Directs the head of the Office of Budget and Management to oversee an effort to “modernize and improve” the regulatory review process.

Executive order mandating ethics pledge for government appointees

This order requires all government appointees to sign an ethics pledge prohibiting acceptance of gifts from registered lobbyists and lobbying for at least two years after exiting the government.  This is redundant to the Revolving Door Prohibitions already enforced in all 50 states.  But, this law does not prohibit a president to profit from a son’s work affiliation with a foreign government.

Proclamation pulling funds from border wall

Biden terminated construction and funding of the wall at the United States’ southern border could cost billions in taxpayer dollars for canceled contracts and demolition and deconstruction.

Executive order pausing federal student loan payments

My wife and I paid for my multiple college degrees, her multiple college degrees, and our son’s multiple college degrees; our daughter did not go to college.

Memorandum reinstating deferred enforced departure for Liberians

Blocks deportation of Liberian refugees living in the U.S., reinstating deferment of their enforced departure granted by the Bush and Obama administrations.

Memorandum strengthening Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

An Obama-era program that shields undocumented immigrants (who arrived in the U.S. as children) from deportation.


Executive order promoting COVID-19 safety in domestic and international travel

In an effort to curb Covid’s spread through travel, this order mandates mask-wearing on all forms of public transportation, including in airports, airplanes and buses.

Executive order expanding access to COVID-19 treatments

Directs the secretary of health to support research on COVID-19 treatments and increase support for critical care and long-term care facilities like nursing homes.

Executive order promoting data-driven response to COVID-19

C’mon Man!

Memorandum supporting states’ use of National Guard in COVID-19 response

Allows for fully funded National Guard protection at the state level by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Executive order strengthening public health supply chain

Ramps up the Defense Production Act during pandemic response.  Requests heads of various departments to assess nationwide availability of personal protective equipment and other resources needed to distribute COVID-19 tests and coronavirus vaccines.  Will cost a lot of money in administrative costs.

Executive order establishing the COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force

The COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force, will provide recommendations on allocation of resources and funding in light of “disparities in COVID-19 outcomes by race, ethnicity and other factors.”

Executive order supporting reopening and continuing operation of schools

Develops guidance for elementary and secondary schools for deciding whether to and how to reopen schools, and how to remain open, for in-person learning.

Executive order promoting workplace safety amid the pandemic

Directs the Department of Labor to revise and issue new guidance for employers to promote health and safety of their workers, such as mask-wearing in the workplace.  (No kidding, more with the mask!)

Executive order establishing a COVID-19 pandemic testing board

Promotes COVID-19 diagnostic, screening and surveillance testing.  Facilitates distribution of free COVID-19 tests to those without comprehensive health insurance.


Executive order expanding food assistance programs

Extends a 15% increase in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits and allow states to increase SNAP emergency allotments, and increase benefits under another aid program, the Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer, which gives students money for food.  (No kidding, look back three executive orders; we are still figuring whether to reopen or not.)

Executive order assisting veterans with debt

Asks the Department of Veterans Affairs with considering a freeze on federal debt and overpayment collection from about 2 million (I can’t believe it) veterans.

Executive order guaranteeing unemployment insurance for workers who refuse work due to COVID-19

Guarantees unemployment benefits for those that refuse to go back to work after an all clear is issued.  Might this be a step toward a Universal Basic Income?

Executive order establishing "benefit delivery teams"

Establishes a network of benefit delivery teams to coordinate state and federal agencies to facilitate federal aid distribution amid a pandemic.  What is the Federal Emergency Management Team?

Executive order facilitating delivery of stimulus payments

Expands and improves delivery of direct stimulus payments.

Executive order to address COVID-19 economic relief

Same as above?

Executive order empowering federal workers and contractors

Revokes a variety of measures, including a rule that made it easier to hire and fire civil servants in policy-making positions; recommends a minimum wage of $15 an hour.


Executive order reversing transgender military ban

So, we went from don’t ask, don’t tell during Clinton to open gay is embraced during Obama, to no its not under Trump and back to oh yes it is under Biden.  Anyone else’s head hurt?

Proclamation reinstating COVID-19 travel restrictions

Reinstated COVID-19 travel restrictions affecting non-U.S. citizens traveling from Brazil and much of Europe, which Trump had scrapped days before his term ended.  The ban will bar non-U.S. citizens from entry to America if they have recently been in South Africa.

Executive order promoting 'Buy American' agenda

Sounds as if now the liberals have legitimized Trump’s Buy American..


Executive order calling for evaluation of Trump’s housing policies

Examines effects of Trump’s regulatory actions that may undermined fair housing policies and laws.  

Executive order to end reliance on private prisons

Terminates the federal government’s use of privately owned detention facilities.  (Anyone else thinking overcrowding so we can release those violators back into society?  Sound like California?)

Executive order reaffirming commitment to tribal sovereignty

Emphasizes commitment to respect sovereignty of American Indian and Alaska Native tribes.  Another government lie?!

Executive order denouncing anti-Asian discrimination and xenophobia

Reestablishes competency and sensitivity toward Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders as part of the nation’s COVID-19 response. Additionally, the order directed the attorney general to work to prevent discrimination and hate crimes.  (Knee jerk reaction for fomenting hate for Asian borne COVID-19 brought into America.)


Executive order initiating plan to combat climate change

Initiates the green new deal!

Memorandum on scientific integrity

Ensures agency research programs are scientifically and technologically well-founded and conducted with integrity.

Executive order re-establishing presidential council on science and technology

C’mon Man!  Trust the Science!


Executive order reinforcing Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act

Designates Feb. 15 to May 15 as a “special enrollment period” for uninsured Americans to sign up on healthcare.gov for health insurance amid the pandemic.  We just had open enrollment, this give a total of eight months for open enrollment so the illegals can benefit from Medicaid and the affordable care act.

Memorandum expanding access to reproductive health care

Supports American taxpayer funded abortions on demand to any woman anywhere in the world.

If you have gotten through all of this, patriot.  Thank you.  Stay safe; stay informed; stay true to our American way.  GOD Bless.

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